Thanks Keri.
I'll give it a shot later on.
It's 150% for royale cannon, Pluto. The time it takes depends on your training method. Assuming you're making burial armour, you get 1% for every 10K XP gained (note that SC hammers double XP but don't double respect). You also get 1% for every 4 burst piped mended, and for every 10 ancestors killed (you can't do this I suppose).
I'm using the rather cheap Iron III ingots, and it took me quite a while to get my current respect. If you use the more expensive ingots to get faster XP (and faster respect), it should take about 10 hours. This is kind of a rough guess, since I haven't timed it.
You could also just get the golden cannon, of course, which is only 50%.
Oh and thanks!
If you keep it up weekly, you'll probably beat me to it.
24-Jul-2011 14:03:21
- Last edited on
24-Jul-2011 14:03:58
Tim Skye
Thanks a lot!
Lol I spent quite some time on this thread in total, yeah.
But I started the first version in 2008 or 2009, I believe, and you'd be surprised how many new entries they released since then! And as you probably know, it's easier to keep up with things then starting from scratch. So I had an advantage there.
Also I've had a lot of help in the beginning days from people suggesting new entries, although lately there haven't been that many. Must be quite an exhaustive list now, then.
Lol thanks for the luck, CW is waay down on my priority list, because it takes so long and I want results fast! Lol.
Small progress report: I'm at 104/500 fish flingers medals now, so that's going quite nicely. Haven't been doing much else besides Strange rocks and making some money with a new and really good method. It's a secret, though.