Thanks, Flailed! Actually, I have two Soul Wars pets right now, in my menagerie. Maybe you're right that you can't have multiple in your bank, but I plan on storing them in the menagerie anyway, so it's not a problem.
So, motivated by the new task set, I had a short break from Chompy Hunting to do Temple Trekking. I levelled all my companions to 99 (594 in total), which enabled me to complete all Morytania elite tasks.
On top of that, since I finished training Runecrafting, I now spend all my bonus XP on Summoning, including rewards from my new jack of trades aura. I also used up all my charms the past few days, and these things combined got me 82-89 Summoning! Level 95 suddenly seems a whole lot closer! I also got me vulture pet, and next on the list is a chameleon pet (a Karamja elite task too!).
Finally, off topic, a small update on the financial department: I have a cash stack of 400M now, so I'm getting closer and closer to that partyhat.
For the immediate future.. I'm doing daily Bork and jack of trades for Summoning, battlestaffs, torstol farming, potion flasks and merchanting for money, and any spare time I have left, I'll be spending on Chompy Hunting, or maybe Flash Powder Factory or Artisan's Workshop.
06-Apr-2012 17:33:25