I am also hopeful one day i will be a Player Moderator! I love helping people out and maintaining the values of the community through communication and leadership. Good luck to anyone that's striving to represent the community!
i have been playing runescape since 2005/2006, and since the launce of OSRS i have never more badly wanted to be a moderator. Ever since restarting in OSRS, i dont think ive ever seen a single moderator, ever, in free to play. I want to be a mod if only to be able mute the increasingly annoying spam bots and betting bots always around the grand exchange and banks, since no other mods do anything about it.
You are not supposed to see P-Mods as they like to keep quiet then the bots and other undesirable people who may play OS or RS3 would know who they are and avoid them.
Remember if you see something you feel needs reporting in game then please report it and Jagex will deal with them in time.
P-Mods are in OS and RS3 trust me on that. Jagex have a very large team of P-Mods who are active and help keep the Community safe.
Comprehensive Account Security
hang on, i thought when they speak they are meant to have a silver crown next to their name, has that been discontinued?
Or can/do they hide it or simply choose not to speak much?
no its not hidden thats always there, they can be hidden by not speaking
if a pmod wishes to go ftp ge and decide to mute / report the rules breaker there
going "hello everyone" with their crown visibile wont help matters as many of them can just then log out wait 10 -15 mins log back in or hop worlds
if they dont speak do their muting and reporting in quiet then thats more productive. they wont go "you're welcome everyone ive muted those scammers etc for you" they will just log out or move on with their day after.
so what tuffty is implying is just because you dont see them doesnt mean they arent there.
Well hon it sounds like you would make a great edition one day! Ive met quite a few pmods and became friends with them. They are very just in their behavior and respectful folks. Just keep grinding and helping out and you may reach your goal. Good luck! <3
Honestly, when I was younger. I wanted to be a player mod or even some works with Jagex. However, I feel like I can't because I would have perspectives and things that would just be seen as bullshit. But you know, I'm just opinionated a lot
Just wondering how invitation to become player moderator goes about. A character by the name of Employer_At has sent a request in private/friends chat, I asked if he was a jagex employee to which he replied yes