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Heya everyone
Weekly log 04/11/2013 - 10/11/2013
04/11 -
Dailies. Player owned ports.
Daily challenge: Lustrous Memories.
Gather lustrous memories: 100. Reward: 15,816 Divination xp.
Achieved 79 Divination.
05/11 -
Dailies. Player owned ports.
Daily challenge: Lustrous Memories.
Gather lustrous memories: 100. Reward: 16,190 Divination xp.
Achieved 80 Divination and 97 Hunter.
06/11 -
Dailies. Player owned ports.
Daily Challenge: Geyser Titans.
Infuse geyser titan pouches: 3. Reward: 24,288 Summoning xp, and 3 runite ore from mystery bag.
Meg returned from her adventure, with a treasure chest for me. Reward: Medium xp lamp(thieving) 25,806 xp and 19,008 gp.
SLAYER TASKS: 27 Mithril dragons
07/11 -
Dailies. Player owned ports.
Daily challenge: Runespan XIII.
Siphon blood, death or soul runes from the Runespan: 145. Reward: 32,380 Runecrafting xp.
SLAYER TASKS: 126 Grotworms, 94 Jungle Strykewyrms
08/11 -
Dailies. Player owned ports.
SLAYER TASKS: 280 Volcanic creatures, 20 Mithril dragons(dragon helm)
09/11 -
Dailies. Player owned ports.
Daily challenge: Wolpertingers.
Infuse wolpertinger pouches: 6. Reward: 24,288 Summoning xp and 3 Runite ore from mystery bag.
Daily challenge: Advanced Barbarian Outpost Course.
Complete laps of the advanced Barbarian Agility Course: 24. Reward: 21,025 Agilty xp.
SLAYER TASKS: 69 Black dragons, 206 Greater demons, 180 Hellhounds
Used up all my charges on the Starved mask of Amascut, I got from SOF. Gained 2,646 xp per charge, so a total of 52,920 slayer xp.