
Accipitres veloces

Quick find code: 48-49-355-66145133



Posts: 41,301 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

~~ Day 28: Raining Drops ~~

The unlucky RNG month is about to conclude with some appreciated respite for Sharp-shin: the day started well with a tanzanite fang drop from Zulrah already, but it didn't stop there...

Abyssal sire was kind enough to drop an unsired too, and this time, it turned out to be...

A bludgeon axon! Untradeable, but worth approx. 12m.

So now that progress towards a new bludgeon has begun, Sharp-shin is committed to completing it even if the pet drops before it's completed. It's simply too valuable to pass on... and since Sharp-shin currently lacks a bludgeon, it's a form of fake ironman mode too. :P

But it didn't stop here either, there was still more:

Spirit seed drop is 8,5 times as rare as the unsired, so this is the new rarest seed drop Sharp-shin has received from Sire. Sadly this isn't the worst waste of RNG though, there are still some seed drops to go through which are even rarer than that... but will it come to pass? > )
"Volat Accipiter libera est; venandi sua natura est."
~Accipiter striatus

26-Mar-2020 22:24:41



Posts: 41,301 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

~~ Day 29: It Came to Pass ~~

No wonder Sharp-shin can't get the Zulrah pet nor the Cerberus pet, because all the RNG is wasted on these damn seeds. Dragonfruit tree seed drop is 11,5 times as rare as an unsired, but it wouldn't prevent the drop from happening. :P

The last remaining seed drops that are rarer than this are 17 times as rare as an unsired...
"Volat Accipiter libera est; venandi sua natura est."
~Accipiter striatus

27-Mar-2020 10:24:50



Posts: 41,301 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

~~ Day 30: All Your Unsireds Are Belong To Sharp-shin ~~

Sharp-shin got his 10th unsired, and to accommodate the milestone, it turned out to be...

A bludgeon spine! Untradeable, but worth approx. 12,2m.

While Sharp-shin is currently 2 unsireds ahead in drop rate, here's the scary part: if you don't get all the bludgeon pieces, the ones you did get are worthless. Who knows if the game wanted to be kind to Sharp-shin and give him some extra drops, or if it was all along a plan to get him comfortable and then never give the last piece to be able to complete the bludgeon.

Anyway, I worked on some data again, and produced the following graphs, where the expected drops ratio at 25 unsireds (when you would on average receive the pet) is compared to Sharp-shin's currently received drops from 10 unsireds:

So far, it looks mostly as expected from the drops that have been received, excluding of course the jar, of which there has been one too many. :P
"Volat Accipiter libera est; venandi sua natura est."
~Accipiter striatus

28-Mar-2020 23:35:33



Posts: 41,301 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

~~ Day 31: Chasing Visions ~~

Hmm, now this is a weird one to explain, but let's start with the drop: Sharp-shin got the nature rune drop from Sire, which from Sire is only possible to get from the RDT, which is a drop that's 20 times rarer than the unsired. Now, you might be thinking "so this is another worthless RNG flex", but there's more to it.

Last night, after a long while of having no dreams at all, I had this weird dream where I was outdoors somewhere (in a place unknown to me), doing something that I can no longer remember, when I spotted a male sparrowhawk perched on a tree. My first instinct was to drop what I was doing and instead focus on trying to lure the sparrowhawk to come to me, so lacking a proper falconer's glove, I improvised and put two leather gloves on top of each other on my left hand, and gestured to the sparrowhawk to fly to it.

But rather than doing what I hoped, the sparrowhawk gave me this confused look as if something was missing; I realized that there was no food on the glove which he was probably after, but before I could add some, the sparrowhawk flew to a shallow pond nearby and caught a fish from it. I ran after him and watched him eat it, but before I tried to lure him to me again, a female sparrowhawk flew to a nearby tree, and the male flew to her. Then the dream ended with the both of them flying away and me running after them...

I'm not really a superstitious person, but dreams like this really get me thinking about things. I've never gotten that drop from Sire before, and now I did after this dream which it fits thematically. Was it just a coincidence or is it a sign that tries to tell me something?

Like said, I'm not into superstitions, but if I was to be, dreams would be the way to do it, since they can be so hard to understand, and yet can feel so real. :P
"Volat Accipiter libera est; venandi sua natura est."
~Accipiter striatus

29-Mar-2020 22:59:25



Posts: 41,301 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

~~ Day 35: Vorkath Taketh ~~

Rune spear, a 1/4000 drop from Vorkath... that could've been a Zulrah pet which is even rarer than Vorki, but nope, just a metal tip attached to a wooden stick. :P Petition to remove the rare drop table to stop Jagex from teasing me with drops like this, it's worthless.


4A6F6B6B75 said :
Nice to see the luck has increased! This was of course expected because 1st April is approaching 8)

If I had 99 divination (well, I do), I'd say that the dream suggests the male sparrowhawk will change to a new location to find a new mate. But idk what the nature rune drop means. Are you sure the dream is even related to RS? Could be, of course. I have dreamed about RS many times 8)

I thought April 1st would've meant more troll RNG drops, not actual good ones. :P

The nature rune was just about the nature part of it, you know, a connection to the atmosphere. I divined the same thing about the mate, but the fishing part is curios to me: it's not unheard of that a sparrowhawk would fish, but it's definitely unusual. > )
"Volat Accipiter libera est; venandi sua natura est."
~Accipiter striatus

02-Apr-2020 22:07:54



Posts: 41,301 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

~~ Day 38: Vorkath Slayer ~~

Sharp-shin's second boss to 5k killcount, and it's only now when he would've earned his first skeletal visage, which was received at 60th kill (followed by a second one 200 kills later). :P
"Volat Accipiter libera est; venandi sua natura est."
~Accipiter striatus

05-Apr-2020 15:57:28



Posts: 41,301 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

~~ Day 40: Bunbridge ~~

A magician in Falador had put some cosmic and law runes into his hat, and after chanting a certain word, he cast a spell that opened a portal to Bunbridge, a miniature version of Lumbridge inhabited by rabbits, after which rabbits began to enter Falador through the portal.

The magician had only wanted to pull one rabbit out of his hat, so Sharp-shin offered to help him to stop more rabbits coming out of it, by entering the portal himself. After arriving at Bunbridge, Sharp-shin also turned into a rabbit:

Bunbridge also had its own (rabbit) duke, who had found a magic egg ball which responded to all his questions, so he began to worship it as the Divine Egg. When the portal had opened, he asked the egg ball the question of whether the rabbits should enter it, and the egg ball said yes. Sharp-shin had to figure out a way to replace the egg ball with a fake one that always responded negatively, in order to ask it a question to stop the rabbits from entering the portal.

The portal, once opened, couldn't be closed though, but since rabbits no longer came through it afterwards, it wasn't a problem anymore. And Sharp-shin got himself a divine being, the real magic egg ball, who would answer all his questions, including the following:

The egg ball responded that it couldn't predict it for today, but the answer was no. :P
"Volat Accipiter libera est; venandi sua natura est."
~Accipiter striatus

07-Apr-2020 18:16:38

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