Congrats on 92 Prayer! Soul Split ftw!! <3 I apologize for not being online to do our Bandos duo the other day... I haven't been feeling really well lately
. Anyways keep up the steady but slow progress, hope to catch you online again soon!
Gained a few lvls since my last post, most importantly 97 hunter! Also did all of the easy and medium elven tasks so that I no longer have to bait grenwalls. 99 shouldn't be too far off now
Hmmm, been a month since I last posted here
Well, you've been most MIA anyway so don't think it matters too much
Although congrats on the bit of progress you were able to make. Congrats on 97 Hunter and hopefully 85 Herblore by now too!
We still need to do Bandos together... and miss you! We need to catch up in-game
This thread is old now! About time you finish what you started
. You've made some good progress so far, just keep it up and you'll be done in no time at all. It will feel great to finally tie up those loose ends
~King Ed~
27-Feb-2015 01:48:27
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27-Feb-2015 01:48:38
King Ed
Haha - MIA indeed! Thanks, moving at the blazing speed of a snail
All in due time I suppose
. And yes! I haven't forgotten, we need to get on that ASAP!
King Ed - It is! I agree
Have taken quite a few extended breaks since this thread's inception but it seems the end is finally in reach. Thanks for the support
Wel*, bxp weekend was unexpectedly busy for me so I wasn't quite able to get 98 hunter but I'm only about 450k exp or so off. Will try to get 98 this week and then it's just one more level! Oh, and I'll complete the new quest as well
02-Mar-2015 04:18:20
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02-Mar-2015 04:20:04
War Clan0