Well, well, another week has flown by

! I am a bit late with my update posts this week thanks to IRL, work and other things going on... But... here I am now!
First off, I want to say thank you for those who participated in my
Just For Fun
last week. It was a pleasure to read everyone's answers.
Thank you all, for your kindness and support!!! <3
Up next, a little bit on
what I've done this past week
Well, at first, I was going for
90 Divination
which I successfully achieved without any problems; and of course I seem to have went ahead and got even more levels beyond 90. So this week has sort of turned into "Divination Week" for me.

(Notice the trend going on here?! I seem to focus on a different skill each week!)
In addition, this past weekend I also went ahead and did a couple of quests including
Shades of Mort'ton, The Curse of Arrav, &
The Temple at Senntisten!!
This of course, completes a long time Quest Goal of mine - to get the Curse Prayers. I am pretty darn happy and proud that I finally achieved them!!

I am not a huge fan of quests/questing, so this is a bit a achievement for me, lol. Thanks to
for the bit of help while I was doing this Shades of Mort'ton quest and bringing me some Tarromin herbs.
Continuing on, let's talk about some
Mini-Weekly Goals
shall we?

I did not do one of these last week as I didn't quite have any specific skill levels I wanted to reach, nor did I have anything in specific goals I wanted to get done. I just sort of let it go and went with the flow. Which, for once, worked out fine!