Aslon Dak
That's understandable. A lot has certainly happened since 2013.
I appreciate your feedback. It sounds like MPD should be a fun quest. I do enjoy reading RS lore, even when the content involved does not affect the free game at all.
Completing this quest is one of my game goals for 2021, once the 20th Anniversary celebrations quiet down a bit. I'm sure more events will come along after January, but I'm not expecting them to be released every week. I'll find the time, sooner or later.
Thanks for the reply, Tenebri. Cheers!
good luck to you too but the sounds of it you will enjoy the quest a lot.
2.9b total xp on my noob account, only now am i doing the dwarf cannon quest
oops lol it truely is a noob :L
dwarf cannon
ive gone through the dwarf questline and done
between a rock
the giant dwarf
forgettable tale of a drunken dwarf
king of the dwarfs
tomorrow ill do
birthright of the dwarves
, and then ill be camping to get imcando pickaxe to then upgrade with my crystal for
earth and song pickaxe,
(i did 99 mining on my alt many many years ago and was also 1 defence doing it. which is why i havent done these quests for the pickaxe upgrades)
but after 200m thiev on it ill be doing 200m mining, but with the skilling week next week being 50% more xp. i thought id use that to my advantage.
i dont know if ill camping uncharted isles, seren spirits, or light / dark animica. maybe all 3(4) depending on how i feel i guess. either way thats i the goal for my alt. or atleast how im playing it for now.
but i did the birthright of the dwarves yesterday and while guthix sleeps on my alt. then i did lava flow till i got all pieces of imcando. and then made the pick axe of earth and song
so my alt is now ready for 200m mining and the gathering skilling week.
and on this account i was afking, bndos sanctum debris during the whole time