600m total XP
50m Strength
102 Dungeoneering
11 Effigy
8 Godsword shard 1
4 Godswprd shard 2
5 Godsword shard 3
1 Bandos Helmet
4 Bandos chestplate
3 Bandos tassets
3 Bandos boots
3 Bandos gloves
2 Bandos Hilt
5 Bandos warshield
2 Dormant Anima Core body
2 Dormant Anima Core legs
9 Serenice essence
2 Crest of Seren
1 Zamorakian essence
1 Spider leg bottom
1 Spider leg top
1 Spider leg middle
Collected one of each impling for Daffyd
Unlocked 'the Venerated' title
A good amount of drops this week. Helwyr is now classed as a completed boss after completing the seren set. I did a fair few more after that to collect some more supplies for herblore/cooking.
I now only need a bottom leg piece to complete my noxious set, which i will hopefully grind out as soon as path 2/3 opens up, also still hoping for that base pet *fingers crossed*. Going to also continue with killing general Graador for the last drop i need from him, the pet. Getting plenty of limpwurt roots so i don't mind going a little bit dry on it.