Thanks Rng. Have always been the kind of person who has long bursts of progress followed by a few months break. Hopefully will be a while before the burn out lol!
1 Revenant Spirit (imp unlocked)
30m base xp
120 Agility
110 Mining
109 Runecrafting
'The Needle Skips' quest completed
Purchase the herb bag and herb bag upgrade from the Herby Werby reward shop.
Complete the ritual to activate a totem on Anachronia.
Purchase the following upgrades from the farmers' market reward shop.
Deposit Zarosian memoriam crystals, then search the Sanctum alcove.
Discover all of the chapters in 'The Needle Skips' and then claim your reward from Megan.
Train on a serenity post. I
Surge under the spine on Anachronia.
Use the shard of Zaros on a dark animica rock.
Eat food then drink a Saradomin brew less than a second apart.
Send off at least one voyage from your player-owned port every day for fourteen consecutive days.
Finally have my favourite cape in game and one of the more annoying 120s done. Really like the Anachronia agility course and ended up making around 2.3b gp on my alt from trading over Surge ability codices. Shouldn't have any worries about bond money now lol.
Going to focus on raising the rest of my skills to 120 as i think that will be better for motivation in the long run for the eventual grinds to 200m in skills. Also noticed i'm only 10-15 hours from completionist cape so i'll slowly be working on the few remaining requirements.