Off-hand drygore longsword
Blowpipe fins
Blowpipe fins
Complete all the listed research. (Orthen)
Complete all the listed achievements (Mysteries- Orthen)
Complete all of the listed achievements (Mastery- Orthen)
Personally defeat Vorago with the Maul of Omens
Complete all the listed achievements (Mysteries- Orthen)
Complete all of the listed achievements (Mastery- Orthen)
Personally defeat Vorago with the Maul of Omens
Solve this mystery. (Know Thy Measure)
Contribute all items to the collection. (Sharrigan: Dragonkin I)
Solve this mystery. (Teleport Node On)
Solve this mystery. (Death Watch)
Restore damaged artefacts. (2,500/2,500)
Contribute all items to the collection. (Sharrigan: Dragonkin II)
Solve this mystery. (Fragmented Memories)
Solve this mystery. (Mysterious City)
Solve this mystery. (Crypt o' Zoology)
Contribute all items to the collection. (Sharrigan: Dragonkin III)
Contribute all items to the collection. (Velucia: Dragonkin I)
Restored at least one of each Dragonkin artefact.
Contribute all items to the collection. (Sharrigan: Dragonkin IV)
Solve this mystery. (Am Become Death)
Solve this mystery. (Free Your Mind)
Contribute all items to the collection. (Velucia: Dragonkin IV)
Contribute all items to the collection. (Velucia: Dragonkin III)
Defeat the Kalphite King after triggering his Immortality and then defeat him again.
Contribute all items to the collection. (Sharrigan: Dragonkin I)
Solve this mystery. (Teleport Node On)
Solve this mystery. (Death Watch)
Restore damaged artefacts. (2,500/2,500)
Contribute all items to the collection. (Sharrigan: Dragonkin II)
Solve this mystery. (Fragmented Memories)
Solve this mystery. (Mysterious City)
Solve this mystery. (Crypt o' Zoology)
Contribute all items to the collection. (Sharrigan: Dragonkin III)
Contribute all items to the collection. (Velucia: Dragonkin I)
Restored at least one of each Dragonkin artefact.
Contribute all items to the collection. (Sharrigan: Dragonkin IV)
Solve this mystery. (Am Become Death)
Solve this mystery. (Free Your Mind)
Contribute all items to the collection. (Velucia: Dragonkin IV)
Contribute all items to the collection. (Velucia: Dragonkin III)
Defeat the Kalphite King after triggering his Immortality and then defeat him again.
Full elite tectonic created
Don't plan on doing too much more PvM for the remainder of the month as i've burnt out on ED2 and KK. However i've also been having a great time learning Vorago with some friends. Really happy to have finished my full tectonic set and also managed to witness a wand drop too.
Have a few things I need to do before I restart the grind to 5.6b. Including making porters and the skilling off-hands.
Have a few things I need to do before I restart the grind to 5.6b. Including making porters and the skilling off-hands.
25-Oct-2020 23:33:32 - Last edited on 25-Oct-2020 23:33:48 by Livid