^ Thanks, glad you like the layout and colours!
Although I think the second part of my rewards looks a bit messy, I'll have to fix it when I have the time.
Elite #1234
Reward: 9 super restores, 8 water talismans, 50k coins, 5 rune bars, 14 purple sweets, 15 swamp lizards
Value: 251,897
Did something completely different this time. I opened 25 easy, medium, hard and elite caskets at the same time. Unfortunately, nothing very exciting from those clues. Plus, I got 13 masters from those clues. I'm planning to do this again, but this time, 100 easy, medium, hard and elite caskets + all the masters that I get my hands on. Might take me a while, so don't expect me to post anytime soon (unless I happen to accidentally open a casket before I should, like happened with those two elites above, I simply bought two more elites.
I apologize if the listing looks messy, and it does, I wrote the rewards down in the order I got them.
Anyway, here's what I got from 25 hards and elites and 13 masters.
Finally I got 100 easy, medium, hard and 102 elite clues + 44 masters that came along with them, done. Man, what a ride that was, maybe I'll do it again sometime.
Only one really good reward came along the way, but I won't say it just yet. First, here's a really long list of rewards, brace yourselves. After this, I'll post the clues in a normal fashion again (until further notice).