Today is Finland's 100th anniversary, yay for my home country!
Clue wise, nothing special for the occasion. To celebrate, I'll post my clue rewards in the colours of Finland, blue and white.
Hard #816
Reward: Rune longsword, 24 mahogany planks, mystic air staff, rune 2h sword, 7 Miscellania teleports
Value: 120,551
Elite #829
Reward: 8 battlestaves, 9 prayer potions, 5 rune bars, 50k coins, palm seed, 80 Guthix arrows
Value: 382,324
Elite #830
Reward: 9 prayer potions, 8 water talismans, 8 battlestaves, yew seed, 1x Saradomin page 3
Value: 1,741,416
Elite #831
Reward: 15 royal dragonhides, rune platebody, dragon helm, 15 purple sweets
Value: 188,833