
Max's Hunt For Dyes

Quick find code: 48-49-198-65871131

Apr Member 2008


Posts: 1,720 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hard #1714

Reward: 20k coins, rune platebody, 75 nature runes, 5 Phoenix Lair teleports, sealed clue scroll (master)
Value: 88,938

Master #243

Reward: 2 weapon poison ++, 10 water talismans, 7 rune bars, rune platebody, 15 battlestaves, bonus XP star (huge)
Value: 353,731

Hard #1715

Reward: Rune longsword, 75 blood runes, rune platebody, mystic air staff, 3 puzzle-skipping tickets
Value: 1,445,307

Hard #1716

Reward: Rune platebody, rune full helm, rune platelegs (h3), 75 astral runes, magic composite bow
Value: 584,199

Hard #1717

Reward: 20k coins, 75 astral runes, 150 rune arrows, 1 knot-skipping ticket
Value: 135,327

Elite #1568

Reward: 100k coins, 15 royal dragonhides, dragon cane
Value: 452,637

Elite #1569

Reward: 10 unicorn horns, 8 battlestaves, yew seed, 40k coins, 9 prayer potions
Value: 151,810

Elite #1570

Reward: Rune platelegs (Ancient), 50k coins, grapevine seed, rune plateskirt (Bandos), 15 royal dragonhides, sealed clue scroll (master)
Value: 624,105

Master #244

Reward: 200k coins, 4 weapon poison ++, 100 dragon arrowheads, 2 uncut dragonstones, 60 mahogany planks
Value: 408,792

Elite #1571

Reward: 9 prayer potions, 50k coins, grapevine seed, 5 rune bars, 3 lockbox-skipping tickets, palm seed
Value: 281,913

Elite #1572

Reward: 2 grapevine seeds, 9 antifires, rune platebody, palm seed, 6 Tai Bwo Wannai teleports, 12 onyx bolt tips
Value: 293,452

Elite #1573

Reward: Dragon staff, 2 uncut dragonstones, 12 onyx bolt tips, 9 super restores, rune platebody (Ancient), sealed clue scroll (master)
Value: 636,416

Master #245

Reward: 15 battlestaves, 60 mahogany planks, 2 dragon helm, 2 crystal keys, 6 Tai Bwo Wannai teleports
Value: 329,994

27-Nov-2018 20:07:55

Apr Member 2008


Posts: 1,720 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Elite #1574

Reward: 9 antifires, yew seed, 9 prayer potions, Saradomin bow, grapevine seed
Value: 406,293

Elite #1575

Reward: 9 prayer potions, 15 swamp lizards, 9 antifires, 54 Saradomin arrows, 9 super restores
Value: 119,934

27-Nov-2018 20:08:59

Apr Member 2008


Posts: 1,720 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hard #1718

Reward: 2 yew composite bows, blessed dragonhide vambraces (Guthix), 150 nature runes, mystic earth staff
Value: 860,807

Hard #1719

Reward: Rune 2h sword, 5 black dragonhides, mystic earth staff, 75 astral runes, 44 Saradomin arrows, mystic fire staff
Value: 136,727

Hard #1720

Reward: 75 nature runes, 24 mahogany planks, 75 astral runes, 75 blood runes, 10 red firelighters, rune longsword
Value: 147,606

Hard #1721

Reward: Rune longsword, mystic fire staff, 24 mahogany planks, 13 purple firelighters, rune full helm (Guthix)
Value: 95,310

Hard #1722

Reward: 150 rune arrows, 20k coins, mystic water staff, mystic earth staff, 5 black dragonhides, 4 meerkats pouches
Value: 115,586

Hard #1723

Reward: Rune longsword, rune kiteshield, rune helm (h1), rune pickaxe
Value: 323,331

Hard #1724

Reward: Rune kiteshield, green dragon mask, rune platelegs, mystic fire staff, rune platebody (h1)
Value: 638,232

Hard #1725

Reward: 150 nature runes, mystic air staff, top hat, rune platebody, 75 astral runes
Value: 411,768

Elite #1576

Reward: 80 mahogany planks, 15 royal dragonhides, 8 water talismans, dragon helm, 7 Grand Exchange teleports, sealed clue scroll (master)
Value: 277,998

Master #246

Reward: 100k coins, 25 onyx bolt tips, 60 mahogany planks, 2 wines of Saradomin, 25 hydrix bolt tips, 22 fetch casket scrolls
Value: 706,464

Elite #1577

Reward: 50k coins, 12 onyx bolt tips, rune plateskirt (Ancient), 9 antifires
Value: 416,420

Elite #1578

Reward: 8 water talismans, 9 antifires, 15 swamp lizards, 3 tower-skipping tickets, 9 prayer potions, sealed clue scroll (master)
Value: 251,055

01-Dec-2018 17:27:12

Apr Member 2008


Posts: 1,720 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Elite #1579

Reward: Papaya seed, 40 mahogany planks, rune platebody, 9 antifires, 10 unicorn horns, bonus XP star (large), sealed clue scroll (master)
Value: 133,761

Master #248

Reward: Dragon helm, 4 prayer renewals, palm seed, 100k coins, 2 crystal keys, 2x Armadyl page 3
Value: 3,192,855

Elite #1580

Reward: 15 swamp lizards, 2 uncut dragonstones, 9 antifires, blessed dragonhide vambraces (Armadyl), 10 unicorn horns, sealed clue scroll (master)
Value: 345,153

Master #249

Reward: 14 rune bars, 60 mahogany planks, 2 wines of Zamorak, 25 onyx bolt tips, bonus XP star (huge)
Value: 429,959

Elite #1581

Reward: 10 unicorn horns, dragon helm, 50k coins, papaya seed, 9 Lumber Yard teleports, blessed dragonhide body (Zaros)
Value: 475,640

Elite #1582

Reward: 8 battlestaves, dragon helm, grapevine seed, 9 Phoenix Lair teleports, 9 super restores
Value: 160,709

02-Dec-2018 10:31:49

Apr Member 2008


Posts: 1,720 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hard #1726

Reward: 150 rune arrows, rune platelegs (h1), 75 blood runes, rune kiteshield
Valu: 347,424

Hard #1727

Reward: Rune platebody, mystic water staff, 75 astral runes, 49 Saradomin arrows
Value: 98,169

Hard #1728

Reward: Rune full helm, rune pickaxe, mystic air staff, 14 fetch casket scrolls, rune 2h sword
Value: 104,644

Hard #1729

Reward: 75 blood runes, tan cavalier, 150 rune arrows, 225 law runes
Value: 434,634

Hard #1730

Reward: 150 astral runes, 150 blood runes, rune platebody, 7 Pollnivneach teleports
Value: 197,335

Hard #1731

Reward: 75 astral runes, 10 black dragonhides, rune 2h sword, 1 puzzle-skipping ticket
Value: 548,157

Hard #1732

Reward: 24 mahogany planks, 75 law runes, rune kiteshield, 30k coins, 75 blood runes
Value: 166,440

Hard #1733

Reward: 225 law runes, mystic air staff, 5 black dragonhides, 75 nature runes, 55 Saradomin arrows
Value: 194,794

Hard #1734

Reward: Yew composite bow, magic composite bow, rune 2h sword, rune pickaxe, 2x Saradomin page 4, sealed clue scroll (master)
Value: 2,177,653

Master #250

Reward: 15 battlestaves, 2 wines of Saradomin, 7 rune bars, 2 weapon poison ++, 2 uncut dragonstones, 7 Guido's bonfire in a bottle
Value: 949,320

Hard #1735

Reward: 24 mahogany planks, rune kiteshield (Guthix), 5 black dragonhides, 150 rune arrows, rune helm (h2), 20k coins
Value: 363,010

Hard #1736

Reward: Rune kiteshield, rune platelegs, 75 nature runes, 75 astral runes, 24 mahogany planks, 5 Grand Exchange teleports
Value: 166,250

Hard #1737

Reward: Rune longsword, 75 nature runes, 150 rune arrows, rune full helm, 5 black dragonhides, 4 costume-skipping tickets
Value: 636,054

02-Dec-2018 19:51:31

Apr Member 2008


Posts: 1,720 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hard #1738

Reward: Rune platelegs, 24 mahogany planks, 75 law runes, 5 Miscellania teleports, rune kiteshield, sealed clue scroll (master)
Value: 128,675

Master #251

Reward: Dragon helm, 15 battlestaves, papaya seed, 2 uncut dragonstones, 25 hydrix bolt tips, 3x Ancient page 2
Value: 721,545

Hard #1739

Reward: Rune platebody, rune platelegs, 75 nature runes, 4 puzzle-skipping tickets
Value: 1,889,921

Hard #1740

Reward: Rune pickaxe, mystic air staff, magic composite bow, mystic fire staff, 7 Pollnivneach teleports, sealed clue scroll (master)
Value: 364,086

Master #252

Reward: 2 wines of Saradomin, palm seed, 7 rune bars, 15 battlestaves, 25 hydrix bolt tips, 3x Armadyl page 1
Value: 5,462,697

Hard #1741

Reward: Mystic fire staff, 2 rune platebodies, blessed dragonhide coif (Guthix), rune full helm, mystic earth staff
Value: 381,475

Hard #1742

Reward: Mystic earth staff, 24 mahogany planks, rune platelegs, 8 Bandit Camp teleports
Value: 84,300

Hard #1743

Reward: 24 mahogany planks, 5 black dragonhides, 2 magic composite bows, 20k coins, 10 fetch casket scrolls
Value: 643,114

Hard #1744

Reward: Mystic earth staff, rune platelegs, rune full helm, mystic water staff, 75 nature runes, 12 blue firelighters, sealed clue scroll (master)
Value: 141,379

Master #253

Reward: 120 mahogany planks, 2 crystal keys, 100k coins, papaya seed, 24 biscuits
Value: 278,452

Hard #1745

Reward: 20k coins, yew composite bow, mystic earth staff, bonus XP star (large)
Value: 324,166

Hard #1746

Reward: 2 mystic water staves, blessed dragonhide body (Guthix), yew composite bow, sealed clue scroll (master)
Value: 575,373

02-Dec-2018 19:51:52

Apr Member 2008


Posts: 1,720 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Master #254

Reward: 25 hydrix bolt tips, 20 water talismans, 4 prayer renewals, dragon helm, 5 meerkats pouches
Value: 506,368

Elite #1583

Reward: Yew seed, 9 super restores, grapevine seed, 8 Lumber Yard teleports, rune platebody
Value: 203,739

Elite #1584

Reward: Blessed dragonhide vambraces (Zaros), 10 unicorn horns, rune platebody, 5 rune bars, sealed clue scroll (master)
Value: 403,853

02-Dec-2018 19:52:09

Apr Member 2008


Posts: 1,720 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Master #255

Reward: 2 weapon poison ++, 100 dragon arrowheads, 2 papaya seeds, 7 rune bars, bonus XP star (huge)
Value: 202,142

Elite #1585

Reward: Palm seed, 2 uncut dragonstones, 12 onyx bolt tips, yew seed, 5 rune bars, 63 Guthix arrows
Value: 289,236

Elite #1586

Reward: 10 unicorn horns, rune plateskirt (Armadyl), 8 water talismans, 9 super restores, 5 rune bars
Value: 413,506

Elite #1587

Reward: 40 mahogany planks, 8 water talismans, 10 unicorn horns, 12 onyx bolt tips, 78 Zamorak arrows, 9 super restores
Value: 224,543

Elite #1588

Reward: Papaya seed, 18 antifires, 24 biscuits, yew seed
Value: 104,381

Elite #1589

Reward: 18 prayer potions, dragon platelegs/skirt ornament kit (or), dragon helm, 5 rune bars, Bandos crozier, sealed clue scroll (master)
Value: 504,116

Master #256

Reward: Palm seed, 25 hydrix bolt tips, evening gloves, 25 onyx bolt tips, 100 dragon arrowheads, 7 rune bars
Value: 1,530,530

Elite #1590

Reward: 30 royal dragonhides, 10 rune bars, 8 battlestaves, 40k coins, yew seed
Value: 381,815

Elite #1591

Reward: 12 onyx bolt tips, crystal triskelion fragment 2, 15 swamp lizards, 10 unicorn horns, dragon platelegs/skirt ornament kit (sp), 50k coins, sealed clue scroll (master)
Value: 246,981

Master #257

Reward: Palm seed, 2 rune platebodies, 2 weapon poison ++, 2 uncut dragonstones, 18 purple sweets
Value: 253,433

Elite #1592

Reward: 15 royal dragonhides, 2 uncut dragonstones, dragon helm, 40k coins, 9 super restores
Value: 213,138

03-Dec-2018 17:11:09

Apr Member 2008


Posts: 1,720 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hard #1747

Reward: Rune longsword, rune 2h sword, rune kiteshield, 1 puzzle-skipping ticket
Value: 522,851

Hard #1748

Reward: 5 black dragonhides, 24 mahogany planks, blessed dragonhide chaps (Zamorak), mystic fire staff
Value: 308,233

Hard #1749

Reward: Rune platelegs, yew composite bow, rune kiteshield, rune 2h sword, rune platebody (Guthix)
Value: 442,216

Hard #1750

Reward: Mystic fire staff, rune 2h sword, magic composite bow, mystic air staff, rune platebody, 7 Gu'Tanoth teleports
Value: 431,357

Hard #1751

Reward: Mystic earth staff, mystic fire staff, 20k coins, rune pickaxe, 11 biscuits, mystic water staff
Value: 111,506

Hard #1752

Reward: 20k coins, mystic water staff, magic composite bow, mystic earth staff, rune platebody (h4), rune pickaxe
Value: 643,790

Hard #1753

Reward: Rune platebody, Zamorak crozier, 48 mahogany planks, rune pickaxe, rune 2h sword
Value: 395,854

Hard #1754

Reward: Mystic earth staff, rune full helm, rune platelegs, 3 puzzle-skipping tickets
Value: 1,390,602

Hard #1755

Reward: Rune full helm, 24 mahogany planks, 75 blood runes, 1x Saradomin page 2
Value: 894,322

Hard #1756

Reward: Rune pickaxe, rune longsword, rune platebody, yew composite bow, rune full helm, 4 knot-skipping tickets
Value: 663,994

Hard #1757

Reward: Mystic water staff, 150 astral runes, 4 puzzle-skipping tickets
Value: 1,831,176

04-Dec-2018 21:30:11

Quick find code: 48-49-198-65871131 Back to Top