The update is fantastic. Movement and interacting with objects in cluttered areas is a lot more precise. Inventory and UI line up very well on an S10+.
The button to open chat, the envelope, isn't very intuitive. It took an embarrassingly long time for me to figure out how to chat as you don't really associate an envelope with activating the chat window. A speech bubble or similar icon would be an improvement.
Areas with lots of light/yellow colours (like the desert) make it REALLY hard to see the new ribbon icons. I've looked through the various settings but cannot find an option to add some sort of ribbon bar background.
Can you add something behind them to give some contrast? Even if it's smaller versions of the inventory circles/grid that the ribbon icons could sit inside?
Love what has been added / altered to the app. My only concern is that there isn't an auto ability option like revolution. I love how it's set up like a game controller but some people want to afk a Slayer task on the go while doing other things and not having revolution makes that hard.
Can we fix currency pouch?? Would like on bottom of inventory and be able to use price checker and withdraw cash please
when the world turn its back on you, you turn your back on the world!
New update has it so you cant log out please change.
It is there, just in different place.
Click the (Home) icon in top left corner
Click the "Three horizontal lines" option button in top right corner
Click the "Log out" icon in the ribbon that appears on the right hand side
It's taken me a while to navigate the new look but on the whole i like it.
I do agree however that the icons are difficult to see as yellow is such a light colour.
the text does seem easier to read in chat though. One thing would make it even easier would be to make the chat window block a little more opaque or at least have the option to change it like on the pc.
But thank you for all your hard work getting this far.
So will this app EVER release out of beta and to mass mobile devices or will it remain for on 50k users because we are going on over a year and they've barely made any progress. Jagex makes too much in a year to slack off and take our $ and barely do anything. When will this be available to all mobile users? 2025? When. At their rate it's looking 2025 2030