What upsets me the most is that Children of Mah no longer requires Ritual of the Mahjarrat to be completed. It just makes a more confusing story should players complete *** before RotM. Not to mention that after the stone gets destroyed in Sliske's Endgame, there are still at least 2 other quests that feature the stone being perfectly intact.
I believe if you're gonna lower the requirements to Children of Mah, there should be a requirement to complete Ritual of the Mahjarrat if you want to start Sliske's Endgame.
Mod Shauny
We have updated the interfaces in Player-Owned Ports to use the modern interface style.
This affected more than just mobile. NXT client has a "different interface".
On the one hand, I understand the appeal of making everything look similar. On the other hand, it looks stupid now. (I don't think I'd go so far as to say ugly, but
not as nice as it was before.) It was
how it had it's own distinct style.
I'll admit that having too many different styles can make things seem confused, but....ports just looks like regular buttons now. And basically all entirely blue background instead of having a nice ship/port-themed design.
Python Royal
have you ever heard if its not broke don't #$%^^^& fix it. who ever came up with ports change is either taking cheap drugs or challenged in my opinion.
i'm glad nobody listens to your opinion because if they did then this game would look like garbage.
The ports interface update is honestly ugly.
to be blunt, honestly, the ports interface looks fine, if i may be blunt and honest.
You are literally the only person I have talked to that thinks so. Everyone else hates it. I just want a toggle man, so that those of us that liked how it looked can have it that way. Why be resistant to that?
The new ports and FPF interfaces are
. The latter in particular has lost functionality, is less navigable and is now more convoluted with those lamps.
revert the changes.
Meanwhile, still no word on the world reshufflings (where did the TGOP world go, why are there three Fishing worlds...), rockertunity (in)visibility, or animation bugs...
Bizarre Boron Fusswell, scryer extraordinaire.
OSRS: POH ideas
RS3 minigames
achievement ideas
Perhaps you're half right; perhaps we can't win. But we can fight.
found an issue with the quest sort, if you sort by series it removes a bunch of quests as there is no area for miscellaneous or not series related quests.i have 27 quests that i haven't done, when i sort by series it shows 18 quest left, i like everything else about this update and love the series sort just would like a section added for the miscellaneous quests to be in.
Just as a little PSA: Trimmed Masterwork still degrades during slayer.
"We are all different people all through our lives and that's okay, that's good you've got to keep moving so long as you remember all the people that you used to be."
Great updates! I can't wait to try out the new quest **PUKEEEE*** WHAT DID I JUST SEE...**. oh its the new Player Owned Ports interface. This is the most disgusting looking interface in the whole game. I loved it before what the hell did you do to it.. I understand mobile compatibility, but this needs to be much, much, MUCH better.