Nice work on the 24/02 patches and aura's working through death Jagex, thank you!
Two requests for the future please:
1. Make buying protea flowers from the gnome's Big Chincompa Rewards store notable. So hard to buy 28 at a time.
2. Please work on improving the aura's interface. It does not stay on the view selected, hard to find which aura I want when all lumped together, etc. I have favorited some but don't always want to extend with viz wax etc. A better interface would be appreciated. Maybe, allowing combat aura's to show by type (mage, melee, range, offense, defense?, not sure) Similar for skilling? Choose which favorited auras get extended auto with viz wax (not all)? And the ability to have a default view, last thing I want is to have closed on a skilling aura view and suddenly need a combat one that wasn't favorited in a boss fight and have it open in skilling view.
Maybe a mini "Bank Tab" type interface for diff aura's? One tab for combat, one for skills, another for "other" and one where I can drag auras I pick into any display order (show the same auras but in the way I choose in one tab)? etc.
Again great job on these patches!
25-Feb-2020 07:06:16
- Last edited on
25-Feb-2020 07:15:52
Jazz X