Device name: Xiaomi Redmi 4 Prime
Model Number: Redmi 4
Location: The Netherlands
Wifi: Yes
Cellular: 4G
Data Provider: Simpel
OS: Android
OS version: 6.0.1 MMB29M
How is the app performing for you?:
Not good. Getting around 15 fps and 1 second input lagg. When I log in, the screen flickers a couple times (around 5 times, duration around 1 second). Tapping specific places seems hard, I may be too inaccurate myself. Otherwise no problems, it's just the low graphic performance. I can make a video demonstrating these issues if desired.
Device has a snapdragon 625 soc and 3gb RAM. A friend of mine has the same specs, different manufacturer and his phone runs it smoothly. Users of other Xiaomi devices seem to report fine performance. Perhaps only this model has these issues.
31-Aug-2018 13:01:17