Trying to doGarden of Tranquility quest on my iPhone 13 or iPad. I am almost at the end and whenever I try and use the trolley to put a statue on it, the statue just disappears and a flashing yellow arrow points to the trolley. No matter what I do the statue never appears and I can** move the trolley at all. Any help would be grand.
Idk if this the appropriate place for the recent mobile update but I do have a couple of things. The OSRS mobile on IOS for me at least has lost the ability to vibrate and each time I click on a NPC it’s high lighted unless I click a different thing.
Also I though highlighting NPS was for only steam?
Thank you for the Clue Scroll and Slayer 'helper' interfaces on Mobile! It's changed my osrs life completely because I have a mobile-locked acc 'Rob Mobile'
Quick feedback:
If I am on a slayer task, and I get a clue - the clue helper doesn't show until the slayer count helper has disappeared and for some reason in this situation it takes a long time for that to happen.
Could you make it so if I click on a clue, the clue helper will replace the slayer counter? I can easily make the slayer helper re-appear by checking tasks on my slayer helm!
Additionally, the clue step that requires you to remove all items doesn't fit on the screen and also it shows in the middle of the screen above the player - meaning it's hard to fight the double-agent and it's in the way. A bit scary for a HCIM! Ideally the clue helper would always show on the left and just replace other content if needed and additionally, it's fine if there was a scroll within the helper. If it doesn't fit just let me scroll up and down on the clue advice
XP Skills toggle on Mobile feedback - the light grey translucent box is hard to read when looking at XP, Target XP and remaining XP, also doesn’t work well on mobile as it disappears behind the notch on my iPhone.
When you toggle on, I did prefer watching remaining XP drop down rather than constantly clicking on and off it.
I just read your proposals for the new mobile client updates and as a 100% mobile player I’m very excited, mobile gives me a way to play a game I enjoy when I really don’t ever have time to be on a computer or a console even since I’m so busy being an adult 🤷🏻 The convenience and nostalgia combined have procured a great experience thus far but this will increase playability even further and I just wanted to say keep up the great work, if you release a beta for these changes I’d be happy to provide feedback
Since 2004
Mobile was working perfectly until the servers were changed. Now mobile stutter lags after being logged in for a minute. I have a 7th gen ipad. I even factory reset my device yesterday thinking it was my internet or device. I come to find out I’m not the only one having this issue now. Please take a look & fix the open source mobile code. We have a PROBLEM
So the game on my iPad(5th gen) runs great have no real issues until I enter the red chinchompa cave after western province hard diary complete. The game bogs down and becomes unplayable. Idk why it happens in there but maybe something can be done because I would like to be able to hunt in there while on mobile. This is with a Wi-Fi connection.
TotalSavage4, Stupid lagg, try disabling respawn timers in game settings and restart your app.
There is an issue with this setting which causes frame drop and crashes. Jagex are working to fix this.
Life is like a camera: Just
on what's important,
the good times,
from the negatives, and if things don't work out,
take another shot
14-Aug-2022 21:57:39
- Last edited on
14-Aug-2022 21:58:00
Can someone please look into mobile chat messaging? I don't know if anyone has brought it up but it's glitches up, at least on Android because I don't know any ios players to ask.
When you type something out and backspace one letter it instantly copies/pastes the last thing you typed, sometimes multiple times and when you clear that out and type another letter it automatically backspaces out the last letter you typed and if there's no letter it clears the space between what you were typing and the previous word. It would be one thing if it happened here and there but it's quite literally every single time you backspace to try to correct a word. Sometimes it even glitches and backspacing to get rid of the 'cloned' last word just causes it to clone said word almost endlessly until you click away from the chat and back onto it.
Please tell me I'm not the only one experiencing this. I know I've seen it in the clan chat I'm a part of for a couple others but idk if they've tried to address it. It's definitely a mobile thing that I'm aware of.
The latest update where the pot timers and ammo added really made my mobile experience a lot better. I frequently do dungeons and it helps a lot. I do have an idea where you could make it so players could switch the interfaces the opposite way so that if you get tired of using the prayers, friends chat and mage section on the left side of the screen you could switch it to the right. That would make things a little easier for me personally. Maybe other players agree that offering that as a solution to getting tired while playing on mobile would help.