Is this hosted by a pvm clan and can I advertise my pvm teaching clan at these events?
This is an initiative hosted by the Community Events team
- Would be best asking individual hosts at their events if they're okay with that. I imagine at the end of an event it may be cool to encourage players to go to some PvM learning FCs but best to ask first
This game really really needs some group activities to attract gamers of this generation or risk slipping into oblivion in a few years.
This kind of events, although not really very educational or fun at all, is still better than nothing.
Realistically, Jagex should implement and encourage modern time x-sever queuing system to automate bossing masses so a lot of players can group randomly. I know this is not the objective of the clans who host this kind of boss masses because they won't get any benefit of advertising themselves but nonetheless this is what the real world wants.
Anyway, some events are better than no events.
08-Dec-2017 18:56:24
- Last edited on
08-Dec-2017 18:57:24