1. Your Name: Braze
2. Current rank: Da Owner (2 stripes, whatever!)
3. Avatar request for and time length: Skilling, Unknown (will say when done)
4. Type of avatar Combat, Skilling, Citadel use: Skilling/Cita
5. World using on: 46
al karid -mage training behind building
varrock palace
faly party room
neitz north island
mort myre slay tower
musa bear
kelda furnace
wildy lever x2
ardy jade vine
al karid -mage training behind building
varrock palace
faly party room
neitz north island
mort myre slay tower
mcgrubbers als
musa bear
kelda furnace
wildy lever x2
ardy jade vine
1. Your Name: Braze
2. Current rank: Da Owner (2 stripes, whatever!)
3. Avatar request for and time length: Skilling, 1hr
4. Type of avatar Combat, Skilling, Citadel use: Skilling
5. World using on: 46
1. Your Name: Devil Dias
2. Current rank: 2 stripes
3. Avatar request for and time length: Skilling
4. Type of avatar Combat, Skilling, Citadel use: Skilling
5. World using on: 23