Offensive Rules
• While running with the ball, you may not follow or trade any person of the opposing team.
• Running the ball into the corner of the endzone is a touchdown while a pass to the corner is incomplete.
• Reaching the end of the field is a touchdown.
• If the player has a foot that crosses the plane before the tackle is made, it is a touchdown.
• You must enter the endzone untouched by the defense to score a touchdown or extra point.
• After scoring a touchdown teams have the option to go for a one point conversion, or a two point conversion.
• A one point conversion is the second window from the goal line.
• A two point conversion is the third window from the goal line.
Runningback Rules
• Teams may opt to use a running back during the game.
• You may only have one running back per play.
• To use a running back, the running back must have a ball in his or her inventory.
• The snap will happen as normal, with the Quarterback having the ball equipped.
• The running back must run through the Quarterback and equip the ball on top of the
quarterback or within one square of the Quarterback.
* The running back must equip the ball before he crosses the line of scrimmage.
• Only one player may run through the Quarterback during a play and they may only do it once. More than one person doing it a play or the same person running through twice will result in a penalty.
• If you do a hand-off, the sack count ends for the play.
• If the ball is not equipped and unequipped in the right space, the play will result in a penalty. Proper equipping zone is within 1 space of the QB, but the ball cannot be equipped past the line of scrimmage.
• A team may do a handoff on a direct snap, but the sack clock will end on the direct.
* The handoff may occur off of a quarterback who has moved behind the line of scrimmage, but has not yet passed the line of scrimmage.
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24-Dec-2014 08:01:15
- Last edited on
24-Jan-2015 17:06:50