My favorite song "But We Can Fight"
My favorite questline was that involving the Cave Goblins. An entire civilization and history unknown to us right under Lumbridge.
Then you meet Zanik, a curious young goblin who is more integral to events than you think at first.
When the mystery behind the Chosen Commander is revealed and Dorgesh-Khan is faced with a live changing decision, the choice they make defies the danger of the situation and the 'destiny' set out before them.
But We Can Fight is set with the backdrop of the past coming back to collectively remind the city what it was their ancestors did once and what that legacy meant. As the Dorgeeshuun prepare for the worst, I could not help but feel inspired by the events that unfolded in the darkest hour.
What came next would cause great changes and even acted to a degree as a precursor to the Godless Faction themselves I feel.
But We Can Fight captured the soul of a people who would not be slaves again, who would not run away from an enemy who would simply chase them across Gielinor, who chose the hardest thing for a people who cherish life and peace and coexistence.
19-Nov-2017 21:07:56