Okay, I’ve had enough of this imbecile.
They say that imitation is the greatest form of flattery. But when a snotty nosed, squeaky voiced sycophant tries to mimic me and pull it off it legitimate such imitation becomes insulting rather than flattering.
I wish to point out how hilariously predictable this ******* moron is. Nearly two months ago, I made my unexpected return, and began a course of writing promotional Forum messages and educating people on my ideals.
Soon afterwards, I find myself with a band of imitators and try-hards, led by “YouWillRage”, writing their own poorly worded, grammatically incorrect and downright abhorrent essays - attempting, with little success, to put as many 'big words' into their work as possible so that they might appear even slightly intelligent.
I haven't written anything on these Forums for nearly two weeks and, when I stopped my messages, so did everybody else. But now - when I start my messages again? Jon follows me once more. But whilst you idolise me, Jon, you will never, ever be me. You will never be as ruthless, as gorgeous or as eloquent as I am. You look like an abortion and have the mental capacity of a ******* greenfly.
That he calls himself a poet in his most recent post is laughable – the clearest example yet of his blatant plagiarism. He lacks the imagination to be his own person. Get it through your mind Jon. I am The Poet. You don’t even know how to use a ******* semi-colon.
Addressing the WWE Roster: How long do you think Jon took to write his 6000 character piece of trash, of which I read half the first post and decided the rest was irrelevant?
At least Shavrae has some common sense. He can string a sentence together. He understands what I mean when I say this industry has been tainted. He knows the truth.
But Jonathan Jeffery is merely an illusion; a whisper in the wind; a figment of your imagination; a murmur in time; an irrelevant ink blot on a page filled with multiple, equally useless ink dots.
04-Jun-2014 00:13:12
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04-Jun-2014 00:15:28