
= WWE - Wrestling - T29 =

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Posts: 74 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
and here I was thinking Shav was pulling garbage out of his ass- now i've finally realized he's just hallucinating or misinformed

You do realize right that Jord and jams literally made like, 2 appearances to WWA in 2 years right? How can we ever possible compete if we are not even in it (yunggggg)?? lmfao, and guess the reason why we weren't there? not many people considered wwa was not as good as LDF in those times, and when dead tried to take ldf tags, i think they failed a couple of times????? just makes me laugh that you think i'm ************ or something, when all the time, you were just hallucinating thinking jord/jams attended wwa

"can continue to believe your ******** if you like"

theres a reason why conspiracy won tag team of the year? or am i the one hallucinating now mate?

after all the shows ive attended to wwa, the ******** you spew saying dead and vlair dominated tag titles for 9 months? didn't even notice dead tagged that much with vlair

last time i checked, you play league of legends??? no idea where this came from??? stick to delivering pizzas mate, it suits you better

18-May-2014 16:36:19



Posts: 4,033 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
My mate's a pretty reasonable fellow when he wants to be. Seriously though, all your posts are so irrational it's hilarious. The reason you attended WWA and the majority of Cons didn't was specifically because you couldn't handle competition and knew the only way to win was through numbers. The fact that you're so annoyed over their being better than you is the best part.

Also, the whole point of the LoL comment was because it's a sick obsession with you, whereas I actually can live life from time to time. Must suck being such a tremendous failure, tell me what it's like living with mummy and daddy your whole life... how would you say it... "L000000000000000000000000000000L"

18-May-2014 17:33:19



Posts: 1,900 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
To be honest, the main reason me and Jord only attended NWF, and then LDF, was because we weren't exactly obsessed with this whole Malarkey. We just came to kill someone, win a title, then leave and let you guys do all your talking.

And it worked.

18-May-2014 18:03:30



Posts: 4,033 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Sorry that I worked for my money, trained skills and RFL skills. I'm sorry that I'm an executive and you're a petty nobody looking down from the outside in. You're honestly like a lost pup... It's really sad. You crave attention from all of us and yet you've nothing to offer yourself but hypocrisy and deceit. Not a dollar I've ever made has went to Runescape in any fashion other than members and like 10 treasure keys.

None of my money was bought by me, most of it from my understanding was made through gambling. While I don't agree with the man's scruples in money-making, the point was I was being paid in a League of Runescape for player based services. I was being paid in that regard, and thus I am an innovator - meanwhile you whine and bicker in the corner like a spoiled child unable to cope with a lack of attention.

This whole bit has been fun I guess, but the two of you combined's efforts are so lackluster that I've nothing to worry about. You were nobodies before. You are nobodies now. You will always be nobodies.

Spewing false points does nothing but strengthen my resolve, and my goals in this company. Opposition is a great way to make yourself prepared; and we always need someone like you in here; but I'm afraid you're going to need to deal with mid-card talent before you have any right to talk to me.

The false brigade of lies being fleeted is really funny, but anymore posts with blatant deception and/or outright lies will simply be called out as such, because there's no point arguing with idiots of yesteryear.

Onto bigger and better things. Ratchet, I'm calling you out.

I want a shot at the belt. Any match. Any time. Anywhere.

18-May-2014 18:50:11



Posts: 1,900 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
You said yourself the other day, that you got given some stuff from 'RFL', a lot of which amounts to your torva and drygore, so I'm hardly saying 'false lies'. There were witnesses that night, and more to the point, why would I whine? All I'm complaining about is you don't even work for your stuff. More or less everyone else have. Plus I don't think participating in something which is against the rules to make money is worthy of being mentioned for purchasing your stuff. I made all my money myself, and not once did I partake in any illicit activities.

I had 2.3 billion at my peak, and apparently I'm whining? Get over yourself. I have never bought anything on runescape using IRL money, why would I need to? I enjoyed the game when I had played it, but you wouldn't know because I despise you. Not to mention I made all my wealth from either skill related activities, PvM, or by selling Dungeoneering XP before EoC came out. 0% of my wealth came from gambling or external purchases.

Executive? MY ASS. I was HOF. I won 2 KOTRs. Can you say that? I've been World Champion, numerous Heavyweight and Tag Team champions. Can you say that? If anything, YOU were the nobody when I was around. Everybody made fun of you, you were pitiful. Not to mention, you teamed with the nobody named Dead, which didn't help you. I'm not craving for any attention, I'm just opening peoples eyes to what they're blatantly missing. If I craved attention, I'd be talking to more than just about 3 people from RSW surely? It's not my fault people look to me. I was an inspiration to many people back then, I probably still am. You? A pessimistic little child who will never be what I was.

Combined efforts? Didn't need Chuck, nor did I ask him to help me. If anything you should put some effort into your spelling, that's pretty LACKLUSTRE . Funny how you claim I need to 'prove myself against mid-card talent'. I haven't even decided to come back, yet you assume I definitely will. DELUDED

18-May-2014 19:09:37



Posts: 4,033 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The only point in your whole shebang I'd like to point out is your comment on my grammar. You should know the Queen's English is different from American English... but just in case you didn't:

lacking in vitality, force, or conviction; uninspired or uninspiring.
"no excuses were made for the team's lackluster performance"
synonyms: uninspired, uninspiring, unimaginative, dull, humdrum, uninvolving, colorless, characterless, bland, dead, insipid, vapid, flat, dry, lifeless, tame, prosaic, spiritless, lusterless; More
antonyms: inspired
(of the hair or the eyes) not shining; dull.

That's not made up, but seeing as you probably don't know much about American spelling of words I won't grill you on it, just thought it was funny. I've got nothing else to say to you, your entire career was a joke and you're not worth any more of my time except when you try to correct me and I wasn't wrong in the first place. Then it's kind of like "well let me save him the embarrassment."

18-May-2014 19:27:01

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