I don't see how unpredictable schedules is a big issue, of course you're more likely to know what you'll be doing in a few days as opposed to a few weeks, but even with the current system something can always come up, as shown with recent attendances. Granted there have been many other reasons for that. Since we generally stick to weekend events, if there are timing issues it's not like they couldn't be moved a few hours back or forward.
`Weekly` shouldn't really be an issue as it would still be preparing events on a weekly basis. Planning them in advance isn't really relevant.
From my perspective it was fun to see a number of events lined up at once, particularly having not been able to attend many events for several months prior to summer last year, and now this year also. Of course, even though it would be the same number of events as usual, a large list can seem a bit `woah`, leading to some opting to just choose a few events they really enjoy and avoiding the others, which I think happened to some extent last year. I appreciate it's not easy to plan far in advance, particularly if it requires maintenance and it isn't necessary with a system that already works fine.
18-Jun-2013 10:48:26