Unfortunately, I was not home at the time of the event. Real life seems to be taking priority over everything as of recent. If we can get enough of us at Castle Wars, I'm sure it would be great fun.
If we have to, maybe we can go to the official Castle Wars game world at our rescheduled Castle Wars event.
Apologies for today; hopefully I'll have no issue making the rescheduled event.
I have no idea what this competition will be, however I'm going to make one of those ridiculous `you only live once` decisions right here, right now. Sign me up!
START: Wednesday, 16th July 2014 at 00:01 BST
END: Tuesday, 22nd July 2014 at 23:59 B(c)ST
This competition will involve skills that offer high, moderate, and low experience rates. The options are listed below. It is intentional that not all skills are included in the lists below.
Higher exp rates (choose ONE):
- Construction
- Firemaking
- Herblore
- Thieving
Slower exp rates (choose ONE):
- Agility
- Divination
- Farming
- Mining
Moderate exp rates (choose ONE):
- Fishing
- Runecrafting
- Slayer
- Woodcutting
Although each skill can be trained in different ways that offer different experience rates, the above skills were sorted into categories based on their most common training methods. Any feedback regarding the options and categories listed above will be taken into consideration.
Please sign up! Anyone is welcome to participate in this competition, even if you're new to WFE. F2P or a member, a skiller or a killer... it doesn't matter! All you have to do to sign up is post on this thread listing one skill from each of the above categories that you would like to train for a total of three skills. For example, if I wanted to sign up, I would simply post here expressing interest in training thieving, agility, and woodcutting.
Feel free to ask any questions that you may have!
07-Jul-2014 05:48:07
- Last edited on
07-Jul-2014 05:51:53
My Wiz In Me
The competition will involve teams organized randomly, as usual. The team that wins in two of the three categories will win the competition. For example, if Team A gained the most average exp per player in the high exp skill category, and Team B gained the most average exp per player in the low and moderate exp skill categories, Team B would be considered the winning team.
I hope that makes a little more sense. Please, please, please sign up!
Wiz has now left, however, still feel free to sign up for the competition. It is going to be fun!
Here's the current list of participants:
- Collin892: firemaking, divination, slayer
- My Wiz In Me: thieving, agility, woodcutting
- SkillrzUnite: runecrafting, divination, firemaking
- Stevensumon: [[Steven, let us know which skills you want