Hey Nominees!
Voting is now almost over! There are only 2 more days of voting left (voting ends on the 30th July at 12:00pm GMT), so if you still havn't voted, I'd vote immediately. We have received a record number of votes this Awards and we still have 2 more days to go - so thanks! This just makes the anticipation for the Award ceremony even bigger - with over 100 people attending last year, I hope every clan can come in there numbers this year.
Just to clarify, the votes will be counted next week, and then the results released at the award ceremony the following weekend; more details below. I think that by releasing the results on the day, it will allow the event to alot more tense and exciting. Please remember that not only is the RSAs a fun thing to do, but use your bragging rights! You have been nominated for an award out of tens of thousands of threads, so all nominees should be proud!
Here are the details for the award ceremony:
Date: Saturday, 10th July
Time: 7:00pm (GMT+1 - British Time), 2:00pm (Eastern America)
Location: Taverly P.O.H portal (Francis Sn's house)
Length: 30mins-1hour
If you have any questions, don't hesistate but to post back on the main thread. I will answer all your queries. So here it is - 2 days to go, and a week of voting counting, and just to top it all off, an Award Ceremony. I hope to see you all there.
Until then,
~Francis SN
RS Awards: QFC: 14-15-318-60986917
28-Jun-2010 22:14:29