*Kevin Rudolph]
Now the son's disgraced ( me crying at a prayer altar )
He, who knew his father ( I say this line doing salute by brother jered )
When he cursed his name ( i say this line doing dragon battleaxe special at the Mort myre swamps
Turned, and chased the dollar (someone turns to me saying turned, then I say chased the dollar while running away )
But it broke his heart ( me doing tele tab with redemption prayer )
So he stuck his middle finger ( me doing angry emote with this line)
To the world ( me at GE saying this line with cheer)
To the world (five of us at the wizards tower bridge saying this line )
To the world ( me doing this line with dragon kite emote at falador fountain, to 5 people around me dancing)
And you take your time ( me hopping across the rocks north of barbarian outpost to the dagannoths)
And you stand in line ( i say this while walking in a line from varrock east, with someome following me and me following someone, saying the line )
Well you'll get what's yours ( me doing flared trousers dance at falador south)
I got mine ( me walking upto a bronze helm or 5 coins dropped on the ground, then as i get upto them, somebody else telegrabs them saying the line )
Because when I arrive ( coming out of freeze emote saying the line)
I, I bring the fire (me stood behind a fire in thzaar city saying this line )
Make you come alive ( me doing trick emote inbetween the two fountains of camelot castle )
I can take you higher ( me going up from zanaris crop circle )
What this is, forgot? (me dying with this line, getting pked)
I must now remind you ( me swinging the bull roarer with 3 people round me saying...
Let It Rock (first person says this with dance)
Let It Rock (2nd does trick emote with this line)
Let It Rock ( someone saying this line while doing in capitals, space between letters, while doing it with glow and shake, so glow2: shake: L E * I * R O C K!)
200m Dunge, Rc, Mage and invention accomplished, + 120 Constitution/Slayer/Range/Summoning/Woodcutting/Mining/Defence/Strength and 110m fishing, got comp/MQC and 200m Fishing/Woodcutting/Mining as well as 120 herb/Farming/Cooking most 120s just Agility, Theiving, Hunter and Prayer left
25-Jul-2009 18:38:35
- Last edited on
25-Jul-2009 19:59:57