
~( WWA Dueling #66 )~

Quick find code: 42-43-298-63883411



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if it doesn't reach 500k votes, then no point trying to put RSW in RS2007.

RS2007 will only have a proportion of the amount of members there are in real Runescape, making it harder to recruit and find people and I doubt many people from RSW would actually pay extra just to play another similar Runescape game.

For the first month, it'll be free membership where someone tries to get high enough construction level for a combat ring. Then the second month kicks in, when you will have to start paying. That's when RS2007 will probably halve its community, so don't expect as much as you will see in the first month of rs2007

21-Feb-2013 14:07:29

Trendy D
Dec Member 2021

Trendy D

Posts: 10,838 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Gaz has climbed out of the TARDIS, guys. Though I can't help but think his prediction will become true, just not over the period of time he's given.

It'll start like RSC. Massive interest, which will probably go on for the most part of a year or so, then people will quit it and just play the main game unless it gets another 250k votes in the next 7 days. Not sure about everyone else that's so uptight about EOC, but I find $5 laughable when Jagex never charged for RSC. To me it just seems like Jagex need to make a quick buck by making the vote members only + the extra charge.

I'm hazarding a guess that Jagex will make the 2007 game free in 2 years because it's lacking in players to support it.
Ardougne Football Club

22-Feb-2013 08:16:21



Posts: 915 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hello there's a new wrestling federation called Retro Wrestling Federation. RWF is ran by Dead Devil05, he was one of the greatest fighters in RSW.

You can access more information on our thread at QFC: 320-321-656-65060567 or you can PM: Dead Devil05 on RS.

29-Jul-2013 17:22:26

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