Your events have been shared on the calendar.
Note, the calendar is posted in GameTime or UTC which is one hour later than BST.
“You're off to Great Places! Today is your day!
Your mountain is waiting, So... get on your way!”
Dr. Seuss,
Sercys 10 year cape party
Date: 14th august
Time: 8pm Game Time
World: 31
Meet: Lumbridge Lodestone
Friends Chat: Sercy D
Brief description/quick find code: It's a 10 year cape party. Bring your finest/prettiest outfit of choice and come with a smile
Qfc: 42-43-77-65662646
Owner of the clan
Envoy of the Empty Lord
Captain of the pvm teaching Friends Chat:
Boss School
It's awesome that the pengs have been set to reset at midnight UTC now.
Though it threw me off a bit seeing the forums time is an hour ahead.
The world 60 pengs forum thread says it was last edited at 00:38:32 on the 12th of August 2015, when this thread's timer says it's only 23:50 at the moment.
I'll be happy to be a member again when the C++ version of game comes out.
12-Aug-2015 00:52:16
- Last edited on
12-Aug-2015 00:53:05
Good I Snipr
Summer Send-Off Party
Date: Sunday, August 30th
Time: 8:00PM GMT
World: 42
Meet: Lumbridge Beach
Brief description/quick find code: 42-43-702-65669112
We're hoping to have one massive party to send-off Lumbridge Beach and the summer for, well, the summer. We want to have a coordinated "setting alight" of Lumbridge Beach with as many people lighting fires in a row and keeping them lit in Lumbridge crater. Afterwards there will be dancing and skilling stations set up. During the event we'll be running various costume contests with prizes (it'd be great it a member of the CM team could judge one)!
Miss Misty
Misty's Weekly Penguin Tour
Date: Every Friday
Time: 10pm Game Time
World: 60
Meet: Lumbridge Lodestone
Friends Chat: Miss Misty
Brief description/quick find code: Penguin tour which finds all ten penguins and the polar bear, sometimes the ghost if we are lucky! For all abilities as I often run two tours, a fairly speedy one to begin with and a slower one or one requiring less quests and items after, so suitable for all. Check out the thread linked in the title for information on what to bring and how it all works.
Wasn't sure if this was just for PMods and known community events, but just incase thought I would submit anyway!
Just found this with a reply saying it was only added to the end of June! Can it be added to the end of September please? Or ideally forever