Wiki Says "Mysterious is an Invention perk whose effect is currently unknown. It can be created in weapon, armour, and tool gizmos.
Mod Moltare hinted that the function of the perk can be discovered by analysing timestamps[1] and that the perk does not do anything that would make it useful to high-level players.[2] After he left Jagex, he posted one more hint on Twitter [3] stating that the perk triggers under the same circumstances as other perks, and when it does, it rolls a number between 0 and 19, which is then compared to the perk's rank." Based on the information available + the hint about time stamps i have came to the conclusion that based on the rank of the perk is the percent chance it will activate and based on activate it rolls for a chance using a random perk based on the rank of your mysterious park is the rank of the perk that it activates that being said does the perks differ according to what you're doing skilling pvp etc?
30-May-2018 05:27:42