So built a brand new system. therefore most recent libraries, in a VM hosted by a well running system, and no version of the client consistently runs. Neither flatpak, HK's launcher, NXT, nor the launcher provided by canonical.
The old java clients runs the best, but crash at various times. NXT stopped running with a recent OS update, not upgrade. I suspect because some library version was upgraded and because Jagex packaging doesn't adequately identify the versions it expects. Same problem seems to hold true for flatpak.
so until Jagex is interested in supporting *nix systems by building a release engineering team that can make a package that fully describes the client's dependencies...
All Jagex needs to do is publish a list of the versions of the the libraries expected by the client and the community can do the rest.. we are used to compiling and building libraries and configuring systems to incorporate those libraries for applications that not kept up with the dynamic release schedules common in the *nix universe.
09-Nov-2018 19:49:58
- Last edited on
13-Nov-2018 01:58:06
Odd Bishop