Date: 06/05/2021
Time: 18:15~
Server/World: 373
Game Location: Puro Puro, this time.
Any steps to reproduce: Nope, it seems random and inconsistent, although the length of the lag is always the same, roughly ~2 seconds with a 5-20 minute gap between events, although sometimes it doesn't happen for hours.
Regarding date and time, it has been happening for around 2 months when using total level worlds (UK and German 1750/2000/2200) and I have no recorded logs of the times. When I play in non-total worlds it never happens. In my experience the game location does not seem to effect how often or how common it happens, as an example I always experience game lag at the farming guild bank regardless of the world I am on, but that lag is different to this problem and I think it has something to do with the animations in the area.
I waited around an hour hoping for it to happen again so I could give a more accurate time/date/location but it did not occur.
06-May-2021 19:24:27