Hi there
What are you trying to do?
Verify a new registered email?
If you are trying to set and verify a new registered email, I will say that those automated emails do fail from time to time but that doesn't necessarily mean the actual registration of email has failed.
Go into account management and check the
'Email & Communications Preferences'
It will give you a hint about what email is the current registered email.
If the email you want is set, you should be able to tell from the hint (unless your new email is very similar to your old email).
I've just seen a thread you posted yesterday about trying to change your password.
Those automated emails never fail to send. If it isn't arriving, you need to check your email settings and make sure emails from Jagex are not blocked.
Also, consider what email provider you are using. Because Jagex is a gaming company, its emails are not treated well by many email providers, particularly work and school ones.
I recommend you set a Gmail email as the registered email for your account.
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09-Jan-2024 01:27:49
- Last edited on
09-Jan-2024 01:50:42