
Received a False Ban

Quick find code: 408-409-313-66291606

Oct Member 2022


Posts: 7 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
So I received a "Bot Busting Moderate (ban)". I have read the rules and I don't see how I broke any of them. Maybe I have and don't realise; if so, feel free to correct me.

I have been grinding this christmas event, day and night to get wrapping paper. Basically every waking moment I have been crafting snowballs. I am currently on medical leave from work so I have a lot of spare time and have been sinking A LOT of tedious hours into this event.

So I had runescape open on my laptop, through the Jagexc portal. I have no 3rd party software installed (in fact the laptop is so old (9 years) that it is practically the only thing installed). I opened Microsoft Edge and googled timer. I then set that timer to 9 minutes and 30 seconds so that when it went off, I would know to click in-game so that it wouldn't time me out.

To clarify: I don't have any 3rd party software what-so-ever, I don't have any macros, I have nothing automated or anything which interferes with the game what-so-ever. Every interaction with the game was manual. I just had search engine open with their generic timer which sounded every 9 and a half minutes.

I stated this in my appeal and it was just denied (with no reason, of course). I personally doubt they even reviewed anything. Again, no evidence or anything provided by Jagex (of course). If someone had tried to contact me in-game, I wouldn't know because the chatbox was minimised due to my small laptop screen (a system that could be easily fixed by a pop-up in the middle of the screen saying a moderator is trying to contact you, please respond).

Ive been left with no confidence to play the game tbh because it said a second ban will be permanent, So I could just randomly lose my account that I've poured so much into, at any point in time, for no reason and with an appeal system that doesn't care/work. It really feels like Jagex doesn't care about it's player base and the people who argue that 'Jagex doesn't make mistakes' are part of the problem.

09-Dec-2023 02:48:46



Posts: 23,025 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Obsidian_III said :

So I had runescape open on my laptop, through the Jagexc portal. I have no 3rd party software installed (in fact the laptop is so old (9 years) that it is practically the only thing installed). I opened Microsoft Edge and googled timer. I then set that timer to 9 minutes and 30 seconds so that when it went off, I would know to click in-game so that it wouldn't time me out.

To clarify: I don't have any 3rd party software what-so-ever, I don't have any macros, I have nothing automated or anything which interferes with the game what-so-ever. Every interaction with the game was manual. I just had search engine open with their generic timer which sounded every 9 and a half minutes.

Setting a timer to make you click every '9 minutes and 30 seconds' is considered botting and treated as such.


People also call this ‘botting.' It means using software or hardware that can help you play the game with the
software or hardware doing things for you that you should be doing yourself
. Our games are meant to be played by humans - if you cheat, you are likely to be banned, even if it is the first time you have broken the rules.

You as a player should do the timing yourself, ... not something else.

(corrected mistake 90 -> 9)

09-Dec-2023 08:15:40 - Last edited on 09-Dec-2023 08:55:54 by 2_Tron



Posts: 23,025 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Appeal an offence ... <- (link) at '
Jagex's Support Centre
' for detailed information.

Offences can be appealed once,
if your appeal is denied the decision is final

Unappealable offences

Where a ban or mute is unappealable,
it means that the Player Support team have already performed a thorough review to confirm that the offence is correct
and that the account's user is liable for the activity, so no further appeal is invited.

Nothing else can be done anywhere.

09-Dec-2023 08:18:32

Oct Member 2022


Posts: 7 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Yeah... that's the stupidest thing ever. Think about what you're advocating: using a clock to see when you're about to time out is "against the rules". What sense does that make? Using any timekeeping device is "botting". So if I looked at my watch, it'd be cheating? That's completely not what botting is about.

Why have have a 10 minute time-out then if you aren't allowed to utilise it? If the purpose of the timeout is that it automatically logs you out after idling (i.e. no manual input and any interruption to that is botting) then why give you the ability to increase it from 5 minutes to 10 minutes? If you are allowed to manually interrupt the time-out then you shouldn't ban people for doing so. Whether they look at a clock or count the seconds in their head.

I did not automate the game in any way and I can set all the alarms in the world but unless I am there to manually play the game, it'd log out anyway.

From now on, I am not going to us a timer anymore but this is such a ridiculous rule. Why have timers in the game and time limits in the game, then? If tracking time is a bannable offence?

Really cracking down on hardcore botters here, aren't we?

09-Dec-2023 22:29:01

Jan Member 2008


Posts: 7,111 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
watching a timer? botting? no way lol. if that was the case i know about 400 pple who would be banned.

i have a timer go off for my farming runs. even so far as to do that 24 hours a day sometimes.
The richest person is not who has the most. It is who Needs the least.

09-Dec-2023 22:59:02



Posts: 23,025 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@Obsidian_III, somehow your actions 'do simulate/are' a botting feature Jagex/JMods did confirm that with a ban and your appeal has been denied because Jagex's/JMods evidence were far stronger.

If your actions do show that your interaction with '
Jagex's Servers
' at least doesn't show to be humanly possible, as humans do make mistakes and can't simulate software actions perfectly, issue is that your actions will be flagged as botting.

Jagex/JMods keep warning the '
RuneScape Community
' that '
you should be doing things yourself
' in the 'Rules of RuneScape'.
If evidence show that the interaction isn't human interaction, action will at the end be 'terminate botting'.

09-Dec-2023 23:25:55

Oct Member 2022


Posts: 7 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Actually, it looks like a mod banned me, I would assume it's because I was crafting for long hours in the same spot without logging out (again because of the timer etc.) So my assumption is that a mod decided to ban me for suspected botting. I appealed to Jagex, explaining what I was doing and they did an "investigation".

As much as you want to defend Jagex, I had nothing on my system, no programs interacting with the game etc. Now, I can understand the mod applying a ban out of suspicion or a ban is made by mistake, completely understandable. But the appeal system should be there to correct that. It shouldn't be there to reinforce a mistake.

As for mods trying to contact you, a lot of players (myself included) play with the chat box closed so if a mod is trying to contact you, a pop-up should appear in the game saying: A moderator is trying to contact you, please respond. So that you at least have a chance.

Also, I filed my appeal within a couple of minutes of being banned. If I was botting, I wouldn't have seen the ban until much much later so the appeal would be later. The fact I appealed right away means I was at my computer, interacting with the game.

You keeping referring to the point that there was non-human interaction and there wasn't. I assume you believe that I am lying but the ban was temporary, I am back in the game and continuing the event. If I was really botting, I would be thanking my lucky stars that I got a second chance and trying to keep my head low; not here, trying to make a point to improve the game for everyone.

You need to stop assuming that Jagex is perfect in its system because it's not and innocent mistakes should be noted, not ignored/defended, to improve the system and target real botters, not genuine players. That's all.

10-Dec-2023 02:11:21



Posts: 327 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Lmao this guy literally saying using a timer to give you an alert before you get lobbied is botting xD

There is a certain toolkit for rs3 (not sure if we are allowed to say it's name) which includes afk warden.. that does the timer, but it doesn't interact with the game itself. Many legitimate rs3 players use it.

Now if the OP used a macro to click every 9:30 in game to stop from logging out, that's different and you can for sure get banned for that.

10-Dec-2023 02:54:57 - Last edited on 10-Dec-2023 02:55:56 by TheHarshErik

Oct Member 2022


Posts: 7 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
After doing a little research too, I have been using a touchscreen laptop to play the game and I Just use the touchscreen to click on the pile of snow, it looks like this might confuse the detection system and make it think that I am botting as there is no mouse movement. Could anyone confirm that? Because that would also make sense as to why I received a ban?

If that's the case, that is so annoying because how am I meant to know that in advance?

10-Dec-2023 02:58:02



Posts: 327 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Obsidian_III said :

As for mods trying to contact you, a lot of players (myself included) play with the chat box closed so if a mod is trying to contact you, a pop-up should appear in the game saying: A moderator is trying to contact you, please respond. So that you at least have a chance.

This is a myth. You are allowed to grind in silence, without responding to anyone in game, as long as you don't use a macro. Also no support for your suggestion. Plenty of players afk and would miss that notification anyway

10-Dec-2023 12:15:42

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