I appreciate the response and the time it took you to write that out. I have been wracking my brains constantly over this because I know I wasn't botting so either:
a) 1 of the three computers I use had something open in the background which triggered something (extremely unlikely but seeing as one of them is my wife's computer, which I don't have 100% control over, there is a miniscule chance and I say miniscule because she doesn't game and only uses it to watch youtube and work);
b) The game was detecting my touchscreen laptop as a bot (which so far seems to be the theory that makes the most sense to me because the jumping of the mouse and the timer plus tapping in roughly the same places on the screen would look like a bot in my imagination (not a programmer so I have no idea if it's more technical than that));
c) a mod banned me under suspiscion of botting and going by what Mrs Ana wrote, being a temporary ban, they didn't review the appeal. Could be equally likely as option b but I'd like to think that that wasn't the case and that the system isn't as arbitrary as that.
In summation, my biggest issue with this whole situation is that I was handed a temporary ban and now I am on my last chance which means if anything happens, I am permenantly banned and I have zero faith in the appeal system to recover the account if that happens.
Also, just to make it clear to any future readers (in case I haven't done so already), I have never, will never and would never bot the game; it serves no purpose for me. Playing a game and enjoying the experience is why I play games, not to 'beat them' or try to max things out as quickly as possible. I believe my account stats would verify that. I am in it for the ride and I am not in any rush to get to the point where I have no more skills to train, no more quests to finish, so much money that the game loses interest etc. I can think of nothing worse.
14-Dec-2023 23:43:57