I think you need a team.. Post people at different locations in Fally (Spawn area's) You need atleast 10 people but could use more.. There are spy's everywhere and I'm thinking you would need to capture them all before they spawn back in.. That's why you would need a team.. Soo if anyone is interested we should get a team together.. Pm in game and we can get started.. I'm with the guard capturing the Goblins btw...
Get your priorities straight, Jagex. Instead of working on things like this, why don't you use the time to start/finish the highly demanded changes that passed in poll #24?
This is more important at the moment as its a fun event without actually changing the game which is what players want..
I don't think so.
Sorrow is the conduct to a void inside us.
This discussion needs more golden love from the developers. Answer our questions please.
Most of us will no longer or will not participate because there doesn't seem to be a reward. I'd like some exp lamps or something, instead of grinding a skill this would be a fun way to get slow exp but *h it's exp right! 100 caps = general exp lamp?
I was so excited for the goblin invasion, To then come online and find that i can't even attack them. This is nothing like the invasion that was present last year. This was a very good way for the lower level players and those Pures who don't have monkey madness completed to train ranged and magic with very high xp/hr rates. Bring back the combat element to this please.