
PJ Timer & Broadcast Changes

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Ever so Dark
Mar Member 2023

Ever so Dark

Posts: 264 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
You should have loot keys yes, but you should also be able to buy a "bank loot key," which stores any loot from any of the loot keys you have attained.I don't get the hype of having to be only able to carry 5 loot keys at once, what is the real purpose here, basically the only thing this can be used for is going out and killing 5 ppl in a row somewhere in the wilderness and how often that happens is barely a thing unless you've survived some kind of war between clans. It would be nice for edgeville pking if you could simply keep all the loot inside a key inside your bank which shows you directly how much you had pked, supplies and all, from the pk's. Yes loot keys is a nice thing to have in edgeville as you don't have to spend time picking up any loot you can just get it and go, but the relevance of having only up to 5 loot keys is really not a thing at all for solo pking.
You should actually in this same kind of suggestion I'm making be able to keep a certain tab of your bank accountable for past balances. You would have the option to "freeze" your account tab's balance for itself to be set in time, and remain in the same track in which you had frozen it. This means that this tab of your bank will collectively throughout time keep track of what that tab was worth. So if you wanted to keep track of your pking tab, you would set it to frozen, and the bank would resemble and show you the value of the whole tab, from what you had froze it at. So if you froze the tab at 1k sharks, 300 pray pots, the bank tab would show the current value of the tab, like if you used 500 shark and 100 pray pots up already, plus the value of what you've used, as well as what the tab would be worth if you had not used any of it. This way we know exactly how much we've spent on pking, as well as exactly how much we had pked, if we were able to have a "bank loot key." The complete exact thing, not what you juggle in your bank.
Pls read my suggestions on your survey pg & contact me Hooded Myth
I am very into RuneScape, so please fix it!

09-Mar-2022 18:36:30

tg kun
Jun Member 2023

tg kun

Posts: 168 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Let me be the first to say thank you for taking a look into some of the issues regarding the wilderness. However this was definitely not the correct way to go about it. Take it from a Pvmers perspective I understand that clanning was a serious issue with regards to fairplay. However It's the wilderness! If you are willing to step foot in that place you know the risks and the potential of what could happen. We did not receive any option to vote on this issue you decided our fate for us. I really do not want to bring negativity to this discussion. I always try to keep an open mind. However the Pvp community will feel very blindsided by this wreck less decision. I am a Pvmer let me say this again, so realistically I should be celebrating. However I care more about the game long-term and how this will effect a large portion of our playerbase. Please reconsider this update as it will have a severe impact on the future of the game long term. I want to reiterate again I am a Pvmer I hardly ever pk and yet this update still effects me and thousands of others. I was doing a wilderness boss earlier and the pker continued to attack me despite the boss being right there infront of him (It doesn't become aggressive in combat anymore). I escaped of course but that's not the point. I want a challenge when I enter the wilderness, its supposed to be dangerous for crying out loud. Catering to the new generation who have little experience in the wilderness is a fair point. On the other hand your disregarding the vast majority who have played with these in game mechanics for years.

To summarize I am not having a go at anyone we all want what is best for the game but many of the Pvp community will feel very much betrayed. You didn't give us a fair chance to vote or even to discuss this update so please be more mindful of your more loyal player base.

09-Mar-2022 18:38:15



Posts: 1 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I think the logout timer should have stayed at 12 seconds considering every freeze is over 10 seconds and acquiring a freeze near any structure pretty much guarantees a logout-escape. I felt like there was a mini chess match whenever I was trying to get away by knowing I needed to get a last hit AND have enough time without them being able to hit me in order to escape which gave me a rush. If this timer stays the same, I feel like the goal of the update gets lost. From my understanding it is to stop team pking/pjing in single-way combat areas. If this is the case, I feel the update achieved that goal, whereas keeping the 10 second timer to logout is making the wilderness extremely safe to anyone with freezing capabilities and a dead tree. Already, before the update, there were countless potential kills I have lost due to timers in the rev cave. If this timer stays the same, I think it would be fair to reduce some obstacles or be able to attack through obstacles throughout the wilderness.

In conclusion, the 10 second logout timer in a 12 second pj time zone with a 15 second freeze just softens the danger of wilderness. It does not matter if I am in level 40 wilderness or lvl 1 wilderness, the escape potential is the same.

09-Mar-2022 19:21:36 - Last edited on 09-Mar-2022 19:42:12 by Jaritos



Posts: 14 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
10 second timer versus a 12 second pj timer just doesn't make sense to me. :( that makes it so easy to get away from anyone pking, almost futile to bring standard spell book unless youre strictly killing pvmers that carry no spells or vengeance. If I'm chasing a pker down, they can freeze me and hide behind an object even though I hit them last and still logout. This is a huge mechanic I can see how it is a hard decision to make but I think it would be better to have a mechanic that is learned and used rather than just freeze and hide.

09-Mar-2022 20:28:24

Feb Member 2024


Posts: 13 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Came back to RS acouple of months ago, and was enjoying pking here and there on the game when i had time. The fact you had single plus or normal wildy mechanics, ment you could solo or team pk in different spots, depending on which mechanics you wanted to play with. Now you have been railroaded into only having one type of mechanics, which was never ever part of the orginal "old school" runescape of the old (the thing this game is ment to be loosely based on)......

As for making the PJ timer 12 seconds aswell, its literally so much easier to escape from people, and is terribly thought out, and is basicly game breaking imo. Cancelled my membership today and its unlikey ill play again unless chnages are made. The vast majoirty of single pkers i know, and have spoken to also said simular things, and i have yet to hear anyone say that its a good update improving gameplay experiance.

09-Mar-2022 22:19:28

Dec Member 2015


Posts: 13 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
well you can hear it here first, this is a great update for a solo pker, it doesnt make an escape from a 1v1 any easier. No your friends cant hit me when i've escaped now. No your friend cant save you when you when you've been bested. Its how 1v1 should work. thanks again jagex don't listen to the haters and revert it

10-Mar-2022 03:03:25

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