The Poll Poll
This developer blog will run through some of the poll questions that will be found on content poll #23 which will be starting on Wednesday 6th August and running until Wednesday 13th August.
In-game polls
We've been running a survey about letting you vote in polls from within the game, rather than going via the website. The survey's still running, but so far it's looking like there's a lot of support for the idea - at the moment, over 80% of voters would like the option of voting in-game. The website form would remain available for players who prefer it.
It's not just about convenience. By bringing the poll form into the game, we'd be able to do things that the website currently doesn't support. For a start, we'd be able to post links to illustrations or other useful information, to help ensure people know what they're voting about.
We'd also be able to change how the results calculation works; in future we could add an Abstain option to the polls, then calculate the Yes/No percentage from just those people who've voted Yes or No. The website poll system simply doesn't offer that sort of flexibility. In-game, we could even avoid the issue where the website rounds values like 74.5% up to 75%, making the results look ambiguous.
As a little bonus, the in-game poll results page would be able to show what choices you made when you voted in the poll yourself.

From the survey, it looks like the most popular way of offering in-game polls is to add poll booths. Alternative suggestions, such as putting the menu on characters like Town Criers, or on an item, or a new button, have received far less support.
So what we're offering is to add poll booths to most towns and cities across the world, placing the booths in the vicinity of the bank buildings so that players can access them, but without making them too obtrusive. The booths would offer a menu for voting in whatever poll is running at the time, and would also let you browse the results of old polls. The website form would remain available for players who prefer using it.
If there's a poll running in which you haven't yet voted, and you're eligible to vote in it, the game would send you a little message when you log in. It'd appear in your chatbox, like the "Welcome to RuneScape" message, without any form of pop-up.
Question: Should we add poll booths to the game world so that players have the option of voting either in the game or on the website?
Bounty Hunter target system
The Bounty Hunter target system is a simple game mechanic that challenges a player in the wilderness to take out a specific opponent.

It is entirely optional whether or not they chase their target, so if they wish they can just PK as they usually would.
If you wish to read about the Bounty Hunter target system in more detail check out the recent developer blog .
Question: Should we add the Bounty Hunter target system into the wilderness on one world?
Super combat potions
Super combat potions are created with a super attack, super defence, super strength and torstol herb. They would require 90 Herblore to create. The super combat potion would function as a standard super set combined into one, handy potion.
Super combat potions would be tradeable.

Question: Should we add the ability to create a tradeable super combat potion from a super attack potion, super defence potion, super strength potion and torstol herb that provides no additional stat boost? The potion would act as all three potions combined into one, saving inventory space.
"Shove" special attack changes
When using the dragon spear, Zamorakian spear or Zamorakian hasta if multiple people special attack the same target simultaneously the special attacks will queue up and take effect one after the other, completely preventing any actions being taken by the target until the queued special attacks have all hit.
We are proposing that the special attack be changed so that if you're in the middle of being shoved, and a second attacker tries to shove you while the first Shove is still in effect, the second attacker's Shove would be ignored. You would be immune to getting shoved until at least one tick after your last Shove ends, so that players cannot be completely disabled for significant periods of time.
Question: Should the special attacks of the dragon spear, Zamorakian spear and Zamorakian hasta be changed so that they do not queue and, instead, ignore incoming special attacks if the target is already affected?
Recipe for Disaster glove changes
Recipe for Disaster gloves are completely lost on death. We would like to change this so that 60% of the cost of the gloves is dropped to the ground when the gloves are lost. No coins would be generated as the cost of the gloves would more than cover the coins being dropped to the floor and the gloves would still act as an effective money sink.
Question: Should Recipe for Disaster gloves be converted to an appropriate amount of coins when lost on death?
Superheat & Enchant Jewellery spell delay
If you're casting the Superheat spell or the Enchant Jewellery spells repeatedly, and you go a bit too fast, the game ignores you. Last year, we updated the Alchemy spells so that your next Alch casting would be queued up to run after the last one finished. We've been asked to do this for the Superheat spell and the 6 Enchant Jewellery spells too.
The rate at which the spells can be cast would not be affected. Only one casting could be queued at a time.
Question: Should the Superheat and Enchant Jewellery spells be updated so that if you cast them too fast, one casting is queued up to run when the last one's finished?
Other questions
Question: Should we add Marks of Grace to all other agility courses?
Question: Should we add a furnace and anvil to the Wilderness Resource Area?
Question: Should the rewards from barbarian assault gambles be improved?
Question: Should we add a super rare Penance Queen pet as a reward from high level gambles?
Question: Should we add a grind-x option for bird's nests?
Question: Should we add +15 ranged defence to Bandos boots? (Offered in Poll 18 with +20 and received 74.8% support.)
Question: Should we have a dedicated arena for no movement duels to prevent griefing in duels?
Question: Should the Iban staff be able to autocast Iban Blast?
Question: Should we add pet insurance? Show an NPC your pet and if you lose it you can pay a substantial fee to re-obtain it.
Question: Should we add a POH menagerie - a room in your POH that can store your pets?
Question: Should you be able to use minigame teleports without joining the minigame chat?
Question: Should a tooltip showing your friends previous display names be added?
Question: Should Ankous found in the wilderness drop higher quantities of dark fishing bait?
Question: Should we add a graceful outfit set bonus that makes your energy recharge 30% faster when wearing the complete set?
Question: Should your special attack bar be visible when wielding a weapon that doesn't have one?
Question: Should we add a right-click quick-exit option to the exits within Pyramid Plunder?
Mods Alfred, Ash, John C, Mat K, Reach, Ronan & Weath
The Old School Team

01-Aug-2014 17:12:15 - Last edited on 05-Aug-2014 10:54:32 by Mod Ronan