Regarding Achievements (PvM)
Sounds like a great idea, however some PvM challenges are just not possible for the casual gamer even without the 'achievement' aspect.
i.e. prior to COVID19, I found it very difficult to even spend 3hours in one session on the game, certain days (weekends) then maybe, but even regular inferno is out of bounds for me as its too much of a time commitment just to practice.
not just that even if I could mount a 3-hour session, finding a team* to do raids, or yet again finding the time commitment to learn solo-raids, its just too much.
I do feel like I'm missing out on some content here, but I can see the need for it, just wish there was an easier way for the 'casual' gamer, or at least attempts that require MUCH less time commitment, i.e. Gauntlet, worst case scenario that was 10minutes...
*that one can actually trust + will also drop everything and PvM while i'm online for said limited time + wont just ditch me and PvM with players who spend more time online.
take this with a pinch of salt, i'm sure everyone's had the moments where they feel to busy to play or 'something comes up' and you ditch said team that had arrange a session.
10-Apr-2020 22:04:12