The design, idea and concept overall is cool but the balance for the rewards is just nonexistent lol. A lot of people are arguing the volatile staff is fine because "its just a magic ags" but when translated to pvp ( let's face it, its a korasi staff ) it is much much more superior. A 1 itemer with the volatile staff can hit 66s at lvl
( 75 mage 25 pray ) lmao. While to 1 item with an ags, which only maxes at 65 btw, would require a combat level minimum of 105. If this passes edge pking will devolve to 1 itemers speccing everyone gg pvp.
Breaking it down:
Volatile Staff- 75 mage 10 hp 25 prayer : 42cb
AGS- 75 atk 99 str 70 def 70 pray(piety) 89 hp : 105 cb
Tl'dr: Comparing a lvl 42 hitting 66s vs lvl 105 hitting 65s seems doesn't make sense at all. NO it is not " just a magic ags". And yes i tested this in tournament worlds. Lvl 42 2 hitting maxed mains all day lol with 1 item
28-Nov-2019 23:34:08
- Last edited on
29-Nov-2019 00:03:38