I AM A STRICT PVMER, BUT I AGRERE WITH TSTTSTSTSTTS, a shop would be abused to zeuz and back. but pking does need a reward somehow, i went pking for the first tiem in os for shuts and gigs, and i thought the rushers and 1 itemers where bad before osrs..., jesus christ its like a rats nest they are everywhere, there are no even matches i find, just people rushing with specs, witch to me isnt pking, thats just being a ******..
as for the rewards, maybe try to implement a system like a chance of greater loot (brawlers**** armours/wep**s etc etc) by the deepness and length of the target battle (length based on damage dealth/received not actual time so it cant be abused)
by doing alot of damage you are activly showing you are pking in the wildy, and by taking alot of damage, you are showing you are actually having a fight, not just rushing with a dbow.
the majority of pkers i see are ******** in robes with dds and d bows etc.., this needs to change, there needs to be a set minimum to ewnter the wilderness to pk, becase at least 5 people in 3 minutes wanted to fight me while im in full rune, and those in monk robes.
pvp needs to be comb9ned, there are too few players to have mutliple modes stretched out, maybe 2 bh worlds p2p and 1 f2p atmo pvm is the bigger scene, but hopefully pking will take its rightfull place AS #1, as i said i am a pvmer not a pker, but i have played runescape sinse 03, and i know just how much of this games players revolve around pking., and THAT is the trick to getting more players back into os, giving them the pking they liked minus the 1iteming ********, while the pvmers kill bosses for the **** that they wear, just like certain skills, pvm and pvp are link,ed too.
17-Jul-2014 11:58:35