A total unload on the topic. A long read ahead, bear with me here. All criticism welcome:
This whole update is a disaster in so many ways. It is very clear that the jagex staff working on this are ABSOLUTELY out of touch with the reality of PvP and especially bounty hunter.
I am extremely disappointed solely in the fact that this was not polled. It never would have passed, and for a good reason as well. It is definitely not what was promised to us. Every major update should be polled. Even if this particular one had a slight restriction, a requirement of BH kills or so, as it only really concerns one world in the game and not all of PvP (aside of the rewards)
The major flaw of the update is that it makes the gamemode far less appealing to almost everyone. You have effectively eliminated the incentive for novice PvPers to fight highly experienced veterans. Previously, it was possible for you to bank your high tier emblem, or get out a lower tier one. Your opponent might have a tier 9 emblem on them... worth at least a flat 600-900k if you killed them. There was incentive. You didn't have to risk much against them, as if they won, they got their tier 10 emblem. If you beat this veteran, against the odds as a beginner, the reward was well worth it. Incentive, both ways. Now? Same risk, huge skill gap. If you, very likely, die to someone sitting at a risk of 30k, you'll lose your kill streak. If you skip, you (seem to, based on beta?) lose your kill streak. You have to fight. Extremely demotivating for a beginner. And if you win, your reward is either 1, or less likely, 2, or very unlikely, 3 BH points. that is either 0.67%, 1.33% or 2% of a DRAGON SCIMITAR in the bounty hunter store. Where as previously, you would likely receive a higher tier emblem, worth hundreds of thousands. What's the point, now?
18-Oct-2019 12:14:55