
Dev Blog: What next? Thread is locked

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Posts: 1,218 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
PG1 ok just making a list of things I agree with that should be done and giving you guys some feedback.. ok heres the list of my feedback and what I think about all the things happening right now.

1. All Gwds items should be untradeable as it is "old school" so it should be earned not bought (this goes for dragon boots also as I feel it would effect slayer drop prices of rune boots)

2.Pvp worlds are kool but reading I seen posts that suggested it might be dead content worlds in just a few months of release. My thoughts on how I thought you could help it a bit is bring "Wildy Tags" into the situation.. I know Wildy Tags only exist in the Widerness and a Pvp world is not all just about the wildy it is infact about the whole world being Pkable anywhere. So I thought rather then putting tag posts just in the wildy maybe make the tag posts across the full world. That's my thoughts on how you can keep Pvp worlds a lot more alive rather then go dead after 1st month.

3. Wildy Tags should be limited to only 1-3 worlds and those worlds only being pvp worlds.

4. Wildy Tags should have daily limit Max Limit to how much you can do it per day as I feel its more a D&D (Distraction and Diversion) rather then a actual minigame.

5. Wildy Tags should not give exp or at least not great xp rewards as I think it should be an alternative way of exp for combat training method and not the real deal type of training method.

6. As for Wildy Tags and gps or coin wealth rewards I 100% disagree. It would ruin the economy and I feel if your gonna give "risk reward" it should not involve bringing in coins to the economy. Everyone knows its better on the economy to bring in a bunch of random items like flax or essence as an example rather then bringing in gps coins. I think the reward system should be player option between a selected few items shown on screen. Maybe have a reward system that gives such items that would reflect on the wildy or pking itself maybe such as runes or arrows or

11-Aug-2013 09:00:42



Posts: 1,218 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
PG2 melee weaponry, maybe even food like you need for healing while pking or potions for combat stat boosters or pray healing.

7. Pvp worlds should offer more then just pking throughout the whole world I think they should be a "Special" world. A more then different pking world that shouldn't just stand out as the world that you can pk not just in the wildy but the whole world but make it even much much more special then just that =P. Like I said before you can add wildy tags to the pvp world..... or if you can think of more things in the future that can make a Pvp world stand out and not just as the world you can pk anywhere in then try and maybe make it a poll if its a kool idea =).

8. Clan wars I agree with adding. Honour pking isn't something you really can control in the wilderness alone but with clan wars you can battle clans vs clan and set your own kind of rules so it is honourable to both clan parties. Either clan battles or you can be in the white portal for safe 1 on 1 matches or red for 1 on 1 risk reward matches =p. Its all fun. As peoples concerns are it will draw attention away from the wildy and reduce the population of the wildy..... this concern of others I don't feel will rly effect the wildy like they think it would, as I think it would bring people to the game and clan wars was always a popular minigame even to the end (as most ppl say the end was the release of eoc). It was never a dead minigame.

9. A Pjer timer is needed

10. For Pvp worlds it should be pking throughout the whole world and the drops that the winner receives in the crazy fight should be what the person they pked was wearing on them and in their intorvectory im sure a lot agree with this.

11. For Pvp worlds bonus xp is terrible idea as it would ruin the meaning of the challenges of what old school is to the people that play to challenge themselves in skilling. It is a serious crime to devalue xp training in old school as it is called “Old School” people who play old school to

11-Aug-2013 09:02:00



Posts: 1,218 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

skill play the old school version as a challenge and there should not be worlds that buffs up xp boosts that would make unfair of and destroy the purpose of the challenge and make players feel cheated that are training the original xp rates. Another reason having a boost in Pvp worlds would be bad is that it would make it feel like its “bonus exp weekend” all the time.. which means the exp rates might even be better in old school then in rs3 lol..... Also Pvp Worlds are called Pvp worlds for a reason and should not mean anything else.. Devalueing a xp training method would be a serious crime in old school and would force people out of the game that play for the lving challenge.

11-Aug-2013 09:02:16

Mar Member 2024


Posts: 65 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Although i love the idea that clan wars should return, i also think jagex should add maybe a staking system example - if its 5 vs 5 and 100k vs 100k clan battle 100k divided by 5 would be 20k therefore everybody depostis it and if you win you get the 100k split between your clan in the purple portal so it wont encourage people to move a way from the wild and go to the white portal.

11-Aug-2013 11:54:30



Posts: 1,427 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
As a long time veteran, I would love to see God Wars come back. Hopefully an altered version where the god swords and armor are untradeable so they have to be earned. Compared to players just buying them from "somehow" becoming very wealthy.

This method has been mentioned already and I feel it would really benefit the economy. Powerful items would still have to be earned just like the fire cape, fighter torso, full void etc.

Dragon boots and god sword shards could still be sold and some people could make decent cash still from GWD but no where near the amount from a few lucky hilt splits like back in the day.

11-Aug-2013 12:03:20

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