First of all, thank you Mod ash for this very informative and straight to the point dev blog. With regards to any new mini-games, I don't feel as though the community will make the most of any 'fun, spare-time' mini-games at this stage.
In my opinion, OSRS's greatest draw-back is the lack of high level content. Even though there's KQ, Dagannoth King's etc etc. There's only so much KQ a person can do. Many people have come up with ideas such as introducing a new HIGH LEVEL Boss monster.. the problem with this idea is such a high level (therefore difficult/challenging) monster is expected to provide Loot beyond imagination. Therefore OP weaponry is expected, or else there would be no incentive to go face to face with such a Boss.
With this being said, Godwars was without a doubt the best and most positively affected PVM update for Runescape. It allowed for a great number of PVM clans to form. It gave people a great incentive to train intensively in order to join their favourite PVM clans (and for a greater number of reasons).
I think the people who are disagreeing with the idea of re-introducing Godwars forget that before summoning, curse prayers, overloads, etc etc.. Godwars was actually a challenging feat. Clans were limited with the amount of time they could spend battling. Furthermore, I think the people dismissing the Armadyl Godsword don't realise that it will be an extremely rare and expensive item.
And I don't know about any of you..but I embraced the idea of facing someone with an Armadyl godsword. The chance of pking any sort of godsword made the battle that much more interesting and 'exciting'.
Overall, PVM needs addressing ASAP. I thank all of the MODS for taking such an interest in improving our game play. Keep up the good work!
11-Aug-2013 05:01:43