I dont really care much for clan wars so here's my totem pole:
1. GWD
2. pvp worlds/wildy tag <----- tied because either one (or both) is feasable for me
3.clan wars
I also think making a boss drop a dragon warhammer, maybe in GWD or the Kraken would be awesome! --- Aswell as making some of the godswords say, into staves or a crossbow....I prefer to atleast keep the Armadyl Godsword, and maybe see a zamorak gwd staff, and maybe a saradomin staff or crossbow in place of the godswords...
On another note, the item switching/ equipping speed should be much faster, so I'd like to see that update if possible!
10-Aug-2013 06:17:40
- Last edited on
10-Aug-2013 06:18:20
Cybris 2134
Thanks you mods for communicating with us for the future of oldschool !
Wildy Tags = Would be awesome players would have new content to play with and not doing one thing all the time .
Clan Wars = Since everyone is wants it , it like a MUST TBH ,
PvP Worlds= Ive been waiting for this !
GWD= Needs to be added , need items in game and will increase some of the prices of supplies too !
RuneTek5= Better Then a Small Screen !
Thanks And Please Keep Us Involved With The Update you got and about the TOOL too
I would vote yes on everything but clanwars as it leads to less activity in the wilderness and in the clanning community because then people don't have to go to the wild to PVP with others leading to a gradual decline of the already struggling community also I would like to see the AGS a little less overpowered
Thanks for writing this! really enjoyed reading it
I like all of the things that you mentioned but I think that if GWD was implemented then it would have to have some of the restrictions/changes that you mentioned in earlier blogs & posts.
Also if I may offer some other things that I would love to see added to the game...
1) Ability to choose a few worlds as our 'favorite worlds'.
2) A 'Make All' option for fletching logs into bows & Smithing. It's especially annoying when I'm making iron knives and I have to re-click on the anvil three times for every inventory
GWD is number one for me. I don't know why anything else should be being focused. For me, its add GWD that hasn't been tweaked in anyway and do whatever the hell you want after that
GWD: I would love to see it implemented because I'm more into PvM that Pvp.
Without the tools though, I will not complain. On the other hand I'm not scared to throw down in the wilderness!
Wildy Tags: As cool as the Wildy Tags sounds I don't really think they would do too good without implemented the PJ timer and some sort of system to prevent mass teams from camping all the posts in the wild. I only say this because I remember rare hunting for pumpkins and a lot of places in the wilderness were full of clans and what not. It DEFINITELY has potential though!
PvP Worlds: I would like to see that. With the same rules and what not of edge or mage bank PKing, just anywhere in RuneScape (given the exception of banks) I think it would add some spice to the PvP world!
Clan Wars: I love just as much as the next RuneScapian to get down and dirty with the clan fighting along side each other in epic battles! Just if clan wars is polled. Please only implement the purple safe clan portal, and possibly the white Free-For-All safe portal for all those lone wolves out there. The red danger portal brought too many scammers into the game. We don't need that!
As far as the kraken comes along. I thought that was a truly MAGNIFICENT IDEA! The thought of a tentacle infested beast dropping unique drops and some bad ass capes just brings a happy tear to my RuneScapian eye! That was just a damn good idea.
That pretty much sums up my opinions/thoughts. Great job with everything guys. I love this server and I will love the updates to come!
I'm sure most of us would appreciate Godwars Dungeon, PVP worlds, and also another idea is possibly bringing back Vesta/Satius equipment? Maybe it can just be a rare drop from a Revenant, instead of getting it from the EP system. I think people would love having those equipment back