Minigames : Stealing creation... Make this only minigame people care about. Exactly how it is but better than rs3. No double exp
Boss Drops: Vorkath - Dragonbone necklace Hydra - Hydra tail
Both mix for a shit item no one wants and you know no one wants or needs them as you almost polled a bone whip which out of everything you have thrown at us past couplke months has been best idea and you didn't even give it a poll due to reditt??? crazy
Vorkath is just killing items, make the alchables less and add better rares. MAke bosses about rares not alchables. Hydra tail is a joke also 95 slayer. Save your time
Cant wait for new quest but a lot of old stuff you have just missed out. I defo feel you should at least poll the bone whip or come out with other ideas for hydra tail. Another str weapon
I also feel we need something in between tbow and rapier to bring down the price abit and stop it being so OP.
30-May-2019 19:54:28