I've tried the Aerial Fishing and...
My first thought was:
"Holy shit, that's awesome!"
I really love the mechanics. But... Then I checked the XP and Drop rates.
They are AWFUL.
Even all the people I meet on the island say they came just to check it out, but they're not going to do more than 30m of it because the XP rates are trash, and the pearl droprate is riddiculously low. They are leaving as soon as they get 2-4 pearls and check the prices of the items.
I get around 1000 fish per hour, which is almost 10k less hunter XP than it was said on the site, around 16k instead of 25k (I have hunter lv 39)
The pearl drop rate is horrible too, I got 2 after 600 catches.
Even if you had perfect 1/100 droprates, you'd still need to grind this click-intensive, non-afkable skilling method for 137 hours straight.
I mean, come on... It looked so fun, but I just can't force myself to do it for such terrible xp rates and drops. Especially since the only thing you'd get is a "fish pouch" (i guess that's how it's going to work right? Tell me it's not just a cosmetic) and equippable rods, which save you 1 inv space... 1 inv space is not worth 10, 12 and 15 h of intensive grind each.
For comparison, from Tithe Farm, you can get the Seed box in around 3-4h if you're doing it casually, which saves you 5 inventory slots. Which means it's more than 1 inv slot saved per an hour of grind once you get the box.
The best thing you could do is increase the droprates of the pearls to 1/10. It'd mean you'd have to grind for around 1h to get the Fishing rod, 1h 20m for the fly fishing rod, 1h 30min for the barbarian rod and 10h for the sack. I think it's fair to require the player to spend 14h to get these items instead of 137h, right?
You could also avoid fiddling with the droprates too much by simply bringing all the fishing spot spawns closer to the player (max 4 tiles away). The bird can return up to 7 times slower from the furthest spot compared to
11-Jan-2019 19:28:17
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11-Jan-2019 19:47:09