I am a huge fan of pking, which is basically all I've done since OSRS came out. Many of these updates are great! Anything that decreases spec-tabbing and ragging is ideal. I have a couple of other recommendations that I think many other pkers would agree with:
1. Currently, if you and/or teammates pk somebody in the wilderness, they can regear (often ragging, aka 1-iteming with little risk), and continue to attack you repeatedly without becoming skulled. Even if you kill them again, the person will come back and continue to attack and still not get skulled. This makes pking very frustrating because you are just wasting food and supplies to get nothing out of it, while the other person isn't skulled and doesn't risk anything. To fix this, I would recommend changing the rule so that if a player dies, they will become skulled if they attack anyone again.
2. Unfortunately multi pking is pretty much dead (aside from massive teams at revs), which forces most of the pkers who would like to pk multi to go to revs. However, small teams rarely pk there because they get killed by massive clans that can clear all of the worlds quickly. Instead, these small multi teams have moved into singles, which defeats the purpose of 1v1ing due to teaming on solo pkers. Would it be possible to add some kind of incentive to promote pking in other multi areas as well? This may help bring small pk teams back into multi and provide more multi places to pk. One suggestion is to increase the area of current multi combat locations (for example, the prayer altar deep in the wild). The small area of multi is not big enough to help with pking, because players can tank one freeze and then run into singles and live. Teams will often farcast from singles to multi to gain an unfair advantage because the pkers in multi can't fight back.
3. Stop raggers from attacking (ex: big dds or dclaw 1 iteming teams at revs) by setting a minimum wealth risk to attack players.
Any thoughts? Thanks!
03-Nov-2018 01:15:20